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Better textures for faces


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Hi... My title is not really good for my request, but It's really hard to explain what I want...


Here is my problem:

I'm perfectionist, almost maniacal! I have Better Female, Nuska's ethereal elves, better make up and mature skin, and I have this, I love my character, for me, it's juste the most beautyfull in the world! But there is these "angles" in both coner of her mouth and that's turn me mad! I see just that and it's... it's... !!! (sorry, maniac!)




I'm not shure if better make up works... And I don't know if you'll see the imperfection I see... these angles... Anyway! I hope if you can tell me how remove it or just tell me "you're crazy, it's in your head, go wash your eyes, idiot!"


Thank you!

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I'd keep an eye out for some high poly head meshes. I've seen a few W.I.Ps floating around the image share. If one of those gets released, then a lot of those jagged edges will be smoothed out.


I'm not sure if they will be compatible with Ethereal Elven Overhaul though. Someone would likely make a patch.

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Actually, I think it's just because I don't use any ENB...

And I turn off Better Female, In fact I didn't need it, I juste have mature skin and EEO, with a combination whith sg textures... I don't post any screen shots because it's not really usefull for my current mind problem.


Thanks for your help!! :)

Edited by Elaneith
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