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Best mod for body texture.


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I have another question to You guys:) I know a liitle (thanks to You) about bodys... but... what about faces? Do You have any sugestions how to make Skyrim NPC's more beautiful?

But I don't mean any upgrade for CBBE, UNP or something like that. Only individual mod. Eventually it's ok this mod will need another mod like apachi hair etc. But any body mod etc.

Best regards:)

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all about personal taste

personally i prefer the unp/unpb

there ar plenty of choice out there to create some great endresults no matter what body mod you take


one thing tho keep in mind that alot of armour and cloting mods are made for only one type of body mod

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I personally love UNP (default body) with SG Female Textures Renewal as texture replacer. Got a few more mods next to take for better morph files. lemme check my post history... I posted something 1-2 days ago for this... ill edit this post in a bit




Here, some face stuff


See if this helps you get on your way, download and install in this order... when asked to overwrite - overwrite. The reason why Pretty Face is there is because Female Texture Renewal does not do Elven faces. SG Female Texture will ask to overwrite all other, which is fine.


UNP Body (Normal one) | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709/

Pretty Face | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7887/

No More Blocky Faces | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30/

SG Female Texture Renewal | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267/

The Eyes of Beauty | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13722/

SG Brows | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35327/


Hairpacks and whatever of your choice. If Apachii don't forget to install the Precache Killer as well: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526/

UNP body needs UNP compatible armor (any other body can be used but UNP is most natural IMO - other body shapes also need compatible armor).


Use an ENB for best effect... I see before here Project ENB to be advised. That's IMO the best looking ENB without overdoing everything.

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All skin textures fall under adult because they all show nudity... but that doesn't mean they have to... Those skin textures and UNP body have options for underwear...

You can change your preferences to show all content to get mods which might be tagged adult while they have options for not being adult :P


Oops, just checked and SG Female does not have it... so you'd need additional mod if you don't want that

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There are dozens of face mods out there, that retexture the face and only the face. All you have to do is look.


No More Blocky Faces, Detailed Faces, Envision, Pretty Face, All In One Face, Beauty Faces, Univision, LiFE....and on and on. I just typed in 'face' into the Nexus search.


CBBE, as mentioned before, has two options for non-nude bodies, and its face pack is also based on Pretty Face.

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