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Creation Kit + Children


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So I don't know about everyone else, but I find those children in Skyrim to be so incredibly ugly. Who knows, maybe it's because they have the exact same face and to see it over and over again makes them uglier than they really are, who knows!


I have been playing around modding existing NPCs (I wanted more barbarian looking Ralof, Hadvar, etc.) and so far it has worked out well for me, with the occasional dark face bug (>.<). Unfortunately, you can't edit the kids in Skyrim. So they are all stuck with brown hair/ brown eyes/tan skin. I can edit all the adults in Skyrim to my heart's content, but I can't make different looking kids.


I know about the children mod someone else made but I found them to be too "final fantasy-ish" for me. I was hoping to create more races like little Khajiits, Argonians, Dunmers, and other elf kids as well as make the existing ones more varied in appearance.


I might have overlooked something (I'm very new to modding, so this might be the case) in my online searches, but I can't find any help regarding how to mod these little humans! So if anyone can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Like I said earlier, I tried searching for answers online but all I found were killable children mods (disturbing, lol) and the final-fantasy looking children mod (the modder is a genius, but I found it too glamorous for Nord country :P ) I try and seek answers on google first before bugging any of you with my questions. :)


Thanks everyone!





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Would be so nice to find a way to mod those potato children! haha.


@zeemo71; there is actually a khajiit girl you can adopt from a mod as well, but I am looking for a way to mod the current in-game children so they don't look like clones/boys with wigs. :D


@mellophonist: Thank you for the bump! I wish I had joined the forums when it was more active :( as I think that's part of the reason no one has stepped up to the question. Maybe one day I will figure it out.

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Yeah, the CK and game make modifying children a bit hard. Try TK Children here on Nexus and its bigger heads variant for some variety in the vanilla children. You can then tweak the faces further if you want in CK.

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