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BOTW-like Interaction and Item Pickups.


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As the title says, I'd like a mod that makes interaction and picking up of items more like how it's done in BOTW (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild). Instead of needing to aim your cursor at an item, you'd simply need to be near it. Especially for someone who likes to play in third person on controller, this would be excellent to have. I suspect scripts would need to be involved though, and I have a feeling it wouldn't be easy to accomplish. Still, I'd be very appreciative if someone would make this. Thanks.

Edited by OstrixTheOstrich
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I mean, that's understandable that you don't get it (And sure, perhaps I could have clarified), but you also could just look it up, can't you?


Also, I've seen the mod you linked, and while that's on the right track sortof, I'm not looking for something to automatically pick stuff up for me when I'm near it. That just complicates things when there's so much to consider for whitelisting/blacklisting.


Thanks for the effort, though. I've edited the OP.

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