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Winterhold MG08 Acano does nothing


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Hi there I got a problem where I need to kill Acano after I get the Staff of Magnus.

I break through the barrier and enter the Hall of elements there is Acano he does nothing (not fighting, not interacting wiht the eye of magnus) and he is invicible no attack hits him and even no console command does kill him.



what I did:


reload a thgousand times.

start a new character (same problem).

disable all my mods (solves the problem but after I killed Acano und enable my mods my save got broken again and again).

I used the following console command player.setstage mg08 200 ...doesn´t help.



Does somebody have an idea to solve this bug ?


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Hi, I had that problem in one of my previous playthroughs.

There are a few bugs associated with this quest in vanilla skyrim, so you may not be looking at a mod-related issue.


In my case, I was having problems with Tolfdir not coming in and without him there too the quest will not trigger. I was able to go back and go through all the Tolfdir dialofg again, and he did follow. If you fast traveled straight to the school, then you may need to try again without the fast travel (I think the school is supposed to be unavailable as a fast-travel destination at this point, anyway.) That may not help your specific case, but you may want to look at all the possible big solutions in the UESP wiki. Also you might try these possible fixes on a save that is before you did the setstage command--that might have increased your issues.

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there were no solution for the issue un the site u show me.

and i discovered the main issue , after i break through the barrier with the staff of magnus there comes no notification for the quest part to kill acano an there is no note in the questlog.

can i somehow force activate the quest ?

or there a other way to become archmage then regular questline ?

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Try setstage MG08 20, that should bring up the "Defeat Alcano" Quest stage - you should be able to continue from there.

nothing happened its like the quest doesn´t exist ...there is no error notification in the consol neither I changing in Questlog.

I hate this bug cause I wanna be the archmage :(.

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I'm confused about your statement that there were no solutions in the site I linked to-- there are a bunch of solutions in the Bugs section. Did you mean you tried them and they did not work, or you did not actually see the solutions listed?

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