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Skyrim screen turns upside down and I don't know what's causin


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I have a problem where it's fine immediately after I load the game, but once POV changes (either because I go into 1st person and come back to 3rd person or because I go near a wall and POV changes automatically), from then on, every time I run to the right (i.e. left analogue stick to the right - I'm using a gamepad -edit: Just tried with keyboard too, and when I run to the right using the keyboard, the same thing, so nothing to do with the controller), the POV flips upside down. This happens only in 3rd person POV. And once this problem has been "activated", loading another save without exiting the game will not remove the problem (i.e. I don't need to activate this problem by changing POV when I load another save, like I had to do for the initial loading of the game.)


I suspected it's a mod, so I removed all the recently installed mods (that is, mods that I installed today, which did include one that did have something to do with POV, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13652 - but I removed this and the problem persists).

I also disabled all the plugins and tried loading the game, and still the same thing.

I did not try disabling all mods because then it would be a huge hassle later to only reenable what I have enabled now and not the ones that are disabled.


But this didn't happen before and started happening all of a sudden.


Has anyone ever had this kind of problem? What kind of mod could possibly be doing this?


edit: interesting... this doesn't happen in the older saves.

edit: Yes, it started happening after a certain point in the game and got saved. So if I load the saves after a few hours ago, this problem happens, but the saves before that time, it's ok. Maybe nothing to do with mods after all. It makes me wonder what it could be though.

Edited by tillicollpase
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I had the same problem and fixed it. what i did was i disabled all the mods that i used (even the official update.esm one) and then enabled them all back again. since i used the dual sheath redux mod, i had run its patch again (need BOSS for this one, more info here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34155/?). then i opened my last save and it was fixed. honestly, i dont know whether it was fixed when i disabled the mods or run the BOSS program, havent had much time to figure it out. also, im not sure if it'll work for everyone but i hope it'll at least be a help for someone. not sure if its a real solution though

Edited by kurosil4869
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  • 3 weeks later...

I also have the same problem, tonight, I just have a problem with the dual sheath redux mod and everything so I have to remove and reinstall everything from scratch yet I still have the problem, I fighure out one easy way to fix it is to draw out your weapon it will fix the problem 80% of the time but it will comeback later.

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