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Mod Noob: virgin skyrim and how to start modding


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i want to restart playing skyrim.
i download it again and i ready to start.


Here some spec:


i don't have any dlc(for the moment) so no heathfire, no downguard and no dragonborn. I only dowload the High resolution texture from steam. I heared that the 2k high res texture are better. It's true?


There is some thread where i can fin the list of the best skyrim mod?


I have the skyrim workshop, nexus mod manager. i need something else?

i hear about boss. what's that? i need it?


thaks everyone




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Have a look at the top 100 mods of all time on Nexus, and at STEP and Skyrim Gems.


'Best' is, as always, subjective. The only thing you can do to find what you think is 'best' is to look through the options and decide for yourself.


BOSS is a utility to organise your mod load order and warn you about issues. Wrye Bash (Smash) and TES5Edit are other utilities you should look at.

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my system spec:


proc: intel q6600 overclocked to 3.0x4 GHz(instead 2.4x4)

ram 4gb

video: amd radeon HD 6850

windows 7 64 bit


do you have any other advices reguarding the level i can reach with this HW configuration?

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Ok... I would stay away from anything higher than 2k textures. Then follow the advice of Jeir and remember Skyrim looks great in other resolutions besides Ultra. Choose and install what will work best for your system. Unfortunately, that probably leaves my mods out. :confused:

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