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100% Crash or Freeze entering Raven Rock Mine


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I'm having an issue with Raven Rock Mine, where 90% of the time I crash trying to enter, the other 10% I get eternal loading screen. I am not having any issues anywhere else. Game is really running better than ever to be honest, except for Raven Rock Mine....


Using latest SKSE, BOSS, TES5Edit, Wrye Bash, mod list is in Dovahtracker signature, and will post PC specs to be thorough. I'm guessing I have a mod that doesn't play nice with that mine for whatever reason, but if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.


i5-2500K @3.8GhZ

16 GB Corsair Venageance DDR3 RAM


850W Coolermaster PS

Windows 7 64

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Hey sorry I didn't get back on this, real life came up ya know?


Anyways, solved it when I stumbled on a post on the STEP forums, removed the "iLargeIntRefCount"-tweak from the Skyrim.ini, and entered the mine no problem. Hope this will maybe help someone else!

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