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yes, i have it as fire and forget on contact. And i just used bleeding spell as a shortcut when writing the post, the actual ID is much more specific. I did use one of the PerkBleedingSword spells, which use the effect "PerkBleedingDamage", which is what i based my bleeding effect on. I will try putting all conditions in the perk entry.


I think I may just start from scratch later and see if I just botched something I am missing.

Edited by Dovahkruziik
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I just had a thought. in the CK i am loading the SkyRe main esp along with its parent masters, but i am leaving it as a plugin, and making a new file the active file. so i am basically patching the skyre main esp. This is because I want to keep the skyre file unedited for if the author updates it. Something i noticed is that the custom perks that tendo added in the light weapons tree are now seen as invalid in the tree and fade out in game. I was too busy focused on my own perk to worry about it.


Maybe i should just make a backup of the skyre main esp and edit that itself?


EDIT: I went back and edited the SkyRe main esp itself, and it worked! Boy, I should have known how stupid that was, though im not sure why it would cause it to fail so hard. For now i will shake my fist in the air and whisper "Bethesda" before moving on to some more perks! I will probably post back here if i have trouble with any of them if anyone is interested.


To everyone that posted, thank you for your help!! I learned so much.

Edited by Dovahkruziik
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