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Slow FPS decay during first minute


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Is this just how the game runs? It seems somewhat counter-intuitive to me. Whenever I load any savegame file or enter a new area, my FPS hovers around 30 and then over the course of the next minute or two it slowly drops down to about 13-19 depending on the environment, until I enter a new environment. Any idea of what might be causing this or if this is totally normal?


Thanks for the help

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It's normal if you runs high res texture mods on a 1 GB VGA card...


Your framerate is high(er) at start because there's still abit of space available... when you start moving, more stuff starts loading until it reaches the limit of 1 GB at which point your VGA card will start using the MUCH slower system memory and --> framerate grids to a halt.

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i7 920 4 cores @ 2.67GHz


8GB of RAM


Radeon HD5770 1GB of DDR5 RAM


Here's my mod list/load order


Thanks for the thoughts


@prod80 I think that may be it. I'm running several high textures mods and the default dlc but never noticed a heavy fps drop from them, but maybe it just didn't take affect for a couple of minutes.


@gsmanners - I agree and lowered most of my settings from ultra to high to medium and it didn't do much as well as uninstalling lush grash and trees and a couple others. So I figured it must be something else. I'll try removing the textures when I get a chance



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