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What could possibly causes New Vegas to crash every time I quit the ga

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After around a month, I decided to have clean New Vegas install with all kind of mods re-download due to my previous game kept crashing when entering Gomorrah and there was no solution to it.


This time, I installed every mods carefully and make sure every esm and esp are placed properly and launch the game once I've a few mods installed to ensure everything working properly.


I've attached a mod list which I exported before starting to install weapons mods, everything was working, including no crash when I quit the game.


Then, after I installed all the weapons mods I downloaded, it starts crashing again when I quit the game, I'm not sure if there's an impact during my game play, but even after I uninstalled all the weapons mods, I'm still experiencing quit game crash.


I remember there was quite a lot files overwritten during weapons mods installation process, I thought after I uninstalled them it could return normal, but not.


I've attached the weapons mods I've installed for reference.


Can someone shed some lights on this matter?


I really don't want the game starts crashing after playing to a certain point.


Thank you

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That's a typical bug, very common, 90% of people will have that with a modded game. New Vegas Stutter Remover has an option to fast exit the game, stopping this crash. Download NVSR: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34832 and in the INI file that appears after first launch of the game with it, look for and change this line: bfastexit 0 to bfastexit 1. Also, you could technically do this by typing "qqq" into console everytime you quit the game. Be warned that this will cause any changes you make in game such as GFX, sound and controls, to not get saved to the INi file with this setting on. Small price to pay for the convenience. Just change your settings in NV configator or something.

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That's a typical bug, very common, 90% of people will have that with a modded game. New Vegas Stutter Remover has an option to fast exit the game, stopping this crash. Download NVSR: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34832 and in the INI file that appears after first launch of the game with it, look for and change this line: bfastexit 0 to bfastexit 1. Also, you could technically do this by typing "qqq" into console everytime you quit the game. Be warned that this will cause any changes you make in game such as GFX, sound and controls, to not get saved to the INi file with this setting on. Small price to pay for the convenience. Just change your settings in NV configator or something.


NVSR was already installed before the crash started happening. I assume you're talking about the fallout.ini in documents library, I tried to search for that line but couldn't find it. Should I delete the ini, reactivate NVSR, launch the game and find that line again?

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No that line is in NVSR.ini, EDIT: yeah you have to reactivate it, launch the game and find the ini in new veags directory.
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No that line is in NVSR.ini, EDIT: yeah you have to reactivate it, launch the game and find the ini in new veags directory.


I reactivated NVSR and launched the game, ini did not appear, had to manually install it to make it appear. Changed the line, it's not crashing when quitting anymore, I'll proceed with installing weapons mods again hopefully nothing bad happens.


Thank you so much!

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  • 6 months later...

this was very helpful.


Just to add a little clarification:

As Fatenekki indicates, trying to install NVSR with NMM acts like it works, but fails. You will find the nvsr dll in the Data folder, but it actually needs to be moved to data/nvse/plugins. In other words, follow the manual install instructions on the NVSR page, and don't rely on NMM.

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  • 3 months later...

I was having a problem with New Vegas freezing on exit when I had multi-threaded audio enabled. Enabling it was the only way I could stop the radio stuttering when navigating my Pip-Boy and certain menus. Using stutter remover fast exit has fixed the problem so if anybody has the same problem, give it a try. Thanks.

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