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Could someone edit this file for me?


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Someone from the forum that has knowledge and experience with editing files of the extension "TRI or NIF " could you please edit the files in this mod for me, slightly increasing the width of the nose of the female character? No need to greatly increase the width, but only a little, because I think it is too thin.

When finished making it send me the address to download the amendment. It seems that the modder responsible for this mod abandoned the project and I can no longer get in touch.

Please only the face of the female character NORD.

No need to be with all the noses, only nose 01, 02, 04.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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I think you would need the mod authors permission to do this. Based on the permissions page, it looks like permission is summarily withheld, but if you contact the author directly it might help.

My understanding of modding permissions: if you make a change yourself to a mod, for your own private use that is generally acceptable, but making changes and then sharing with others is a whole different category and would require mod author permission.

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Georgiegril, on 03 May 2013 - 12:20, said:

I think you would need the mod authors permission to do this. Based on the permissions page, it looks like permission is summarily withheld, but if you contact the author directly it might help.

My understanding of modding permissions: if you make a change yourself to a mod, for your own private use that is generally acceptable, but making changes and then sharing with others is a whole different category and would require mod author permission.

In my case, I want to make the change for private use. You help me in this? What kind of program the author used to make this model?

Edited by FillipeMattos
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