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All the quests are glitched!


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Hi guys,


Since 1.9, none of my quests does trigger propely, even with older saves than my main character or even with new games!

Few exemples (quests I tested):


-In the Soul Cairn, with Saint Jiub's quests, even if I have all the 10 pages, the quest log says "0/10". I can use setstage to fix it and make appear the dialog option to give them to the NPC, but even then, he doesn't take the pages and doesn't give me the reward, even the quest is marked as finished.


-I loaded an old save with another character in Riften, he had the mead delivery quest. The moment I loaded the game, it told me that I failed the quest as if the game "thinks" I removed the quest item from my inventory.


-I every quests with a "find somebody" objective, the objective is marked as done when I find the NPC but the next part doesn't trigger (no dialog option/the NPC doesn't do what it's supposed to).


I tried disabling all my mods and launched my game with only Skyrim.esm, Dawnguard.esm, HeartFires.esm, Dragonborn.esm and Update.esm (even tried without this last one). The saved games loads properly (without all of my mods items of course) but the glitches are still there.


I tried launching the game without SKSE, and tried verifying the cache integrity in Steam (it downloaded two files), the problem is still there.


My game is moded with an ENB that I forgot the name and some textures/meshs but I don't think they could glitch the game in this way.


Reinstalling the game will be the last option for me.


Thank you for reading and I hope some of you can help me.

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