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Lowering Relationship Rank on Crime Gold Story Event

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I'm trying to make a mod that emulates the past Elder Scrolls titles where witness dispositions are decreased when they see a crime. I can't seem to get the event to fire when I steal something and get a bounty, as even the debug message box doesn't display.


EDIT: I solved it by getting the references from the events and then passing it to the script, instead of using the story event. I just released a mod that works with the assault story event, so I'm guessing there are some real issues with the OnStoryCrimeGold event.


Some issues I encountered with this method:


0: Steal - The victim is incorrect, it is the item or container

1: Pick-pocket Victim works as intended

2: Trespass Victim works as intended

3: Attack Victim works as intended

4: Murder Victim works as intended (note: the victim is murdered victim themselves - not the witnesses)


Only the actual victim of the crime will be returned for the event victim, not the witnesses.


Also note that it will take about 25-30 seconds for the event to trigger after the crime, as noted on the CK wiki: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnStoryCrimeGold_-_Quest


i'd like to give a shout out to po3, and especially Ashen from the r/skyrimmods Discord for the assistance and troubleshooting!

Edited by EvilFetcher
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I believe the delay is to give you an opportunity to kill any witnesses before the crime becomes "official."


One way of getting witnesses is to use an alias that fills with the conditions GetDetected and GetActorValue Morality. Seems to work very well, though obviously limited because you would need an alias for every single actor you wanted to affect.

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