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Nasty Script Latency, this book has no answers!


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Hello there forum,


I've been in a little predicament in the last two months due to the fact that Skyrim will often take 30 seconds/2 minutes to respond to a number of actions ingame. These include but are not limited to:


- Reading the black books in Dragonborn (I will often have to sit patiently with the book open for two minutes before it closes and the cutscene pursues)


- When using the "Auto Unequip Ammo" mod, the ammo will often take minutes before unequipping with my bow (Where it used to do this instantaneously).


- Giving commands to my follower.


- There will often be a delay in the game's ability to recognize whether or not I'm submerged in water. When I try to wait on land after coming out of the water it will often say "You cannot wait whilst swimming".


I've tried a full re-install and have deactivated and uninstalled all of my mods from NMM as well as turning the graphics down to their lowest. I've also tried Papyrus logging but the logs do not show anything out of the ordinary (Or so it seems). My graphics and sound drivers are also updated too and there are no programs running that could affect the game's script latency although the fact that the problem persists after a fresh install indicates that it may not be the game that is the problem. I believe the problems came around near the update to 1.9 and although there are always numerous mentions of script LAG there has been no mention of delays to this extent on Google.


Here are my computer details should ye' need them:


- ATI Radeon HD 5450


- Running Windows 8 Pro

- DirectX 11


Papyrus log attached

If there is anything else you need to know I'd be happy to provide it.


Help me Nexus Forums, you're my only hope!

Edited by jackoa19
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Your papyrus log is not attached (but I don't think it is required)


It looks to me that you are running too many mods that affect latency-- mods that add multiple followers, NPCs, weather changes, horse mods, increased spawns, etc.

Also, if you are using a greater ugrids you are not only increasing the view distance, but all of those extra cells are all active with NPCs, creatures etc all running and using up your latency.


Even the most burly computer will eventually run into the limitations of the game engine.

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