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Kill Moves happen all the time....


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Now, this may seem like something most people want but this gets really annoying really fast.

So this all started when I got a kill move control mod, all was fine and well until I got another mod. It added different kill moves but also allowed you to control them too. Something must of conflicted between them and my kill moves got stuck at 100%, even though both mods are uninstalled (I assumed it would revert back to normal).

I tried set killmoverandom to 50 ect in the console commands and it isn't really working. The kill moves now only happen on the final foe, so group fights are less frustrating, yet solo fights still have kill moves.

Anyone able to suggest anything? This slightly ruins sword based characters...

Thanks in advance!

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Skyrim is like Hotel California. Your mods can check out any time they like but they can never leave. No, once you installed all those conflicting mods, they're in there. Not much you can do but revert to a save from before you installed those mods.


And kill moves are just hilariously lame if you ask me. Thank goodness for the No Killmoves mod.

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Skyrim is like Hotel California. Your mods can check out any time they like but they can never leave. No, once you installed all those conflicting mods, they're in there. Not much you can do but revert to a save from before you installed those mods.


And kill moves are just hilariously lame if you ask me. Thank goodness for the No Killmoves mod.

Well. I'll either have to bare with it or just get that mod. Thank goodness my main is an archer, ranged killmoves are unaffected.

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