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Conflicting mods


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Soooooo.....is unp......cbbe.....chsbhc.....unbp.......and adec compatible ? I'm having trouble with faces being different color from body and when naked..... the butt is not smooth and round .....it's hard to explain.....the butt looks distorted........what would cause these problems? I have several different body mods and armor mods downloaded......I've been experimenting and trying to fix the problem by deactivating certain mods with no results. I'm new to modding and any help would be greatly appreciated
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CBBE, ADEC, CHS and UNP/UNPB all use different UV maps - how the texture fits on the mesh. Try to use, for example, CBBE textures on an UNP body, and you'll get misplaced or 'torn' textures - same if you try to use UNP outfits on a CBBE body; you'll get the UNP shape, with CBBE textures, and if the outfit is skimpy, misplace/torn textures. The only way to avoid this is to use outfits that aren't skimpy (but you'll still end up with a different body shape), or to only use mods that are made for the body mod of your choice.


Face/body colour mismatch = dark head bug. Do a search on the forums or for 'skyrim dark head bug fix' on the search provider of your choice to find out how to solve it.

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<p>thank you very much........i'm ging to try and disable everything except ADEC and see how that works. after reading your response i realized i had several different armors also. I'll let you know if it works . thanks again</p>
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