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Need mod help! (may be in wrong place)


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If an outfit mod has both "BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) SSE" and "CBBE 3BA (3BBB)" do you need them both" or is it an "either/or" situation. I always thought it was the later but I had them both with only 3BA enabled. Recently, I decided to remove UUNP. Later I found to have issues with outfits with these two listed. Is this coincidence or should I somehow be running both?

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You use the version of the mod for the body you are using. You cannot use two different/conflicting body mods at the same time (without issues/annoyances, anyway).

So, if you're getting rid of BHUNP, you need to remove all BHUNP-related mods (outfits, skin textures) and replace them with their CBBE-compatible counterparts, if available.

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