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What's a good lighting mod that stays close to the vanilla game?


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When it comes to lighting mods, and how to make the game look really good, I'm at a complete loss. In particular I'm looking for a lighting mod that keeps the vanilla Skyrim feel, but increases the saturation just a little. I also don't look the vanilla sun or sun glare and I'm wondering what mod does a good job at replacing it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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This is the mod I am using: RealVision ENB (it's on Nexus!)


the author for that mod does an amazing job at telling you what to install first and instructions on how to install the ENB mod. It gives Skyrim, for me at least, a beautiful re-do without changing the Skryim feel.


Aside from that, you could just Realistic Lighting Overhaul (love this mod) if you don't want any changes at all to the water/trees/resolution.

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