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Personal Hygiene Clothing and Body


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I would like to see a mod like oblivion's Basic Personal Hygiene but with more.


So the idea I have is that as you do things, you get dirtier, and your cloths (which includes hoods, cloaks, robes, capes, fur armor, and leather armor) get dirtier. Both bodily dirt add clothing dirt and to a overall dirt/clean score


Depending on where you are, a particular level of cleanliness is expect when you interact with other npc's. On top of that, in some areas you are expected to where better clothes. If you are below the score expected, then the npc's will refuse to talk to you. At a certain point below the expected level of cleanliness, the npc's will even get angry with you. NPC's willingness to talk to you also determines on what kind of clothing you are wearing.


An example of the npc disposition system:

So if you are in a jarls palace or longhouse, you can expected to be perfectly clean wearing clean fine clothes.


If you run into a city or town and rush into the palace or the longhouse to speak to the jarl or one of his staff to get the reward for your quest without cleaning up, and changing your clothes, they might refuse to speak to you, they might even tell you to Get Out! With this mod, preparing for your appearance in front of Jarl is much more important.


In shops and private homes, common clothing is acceptable, wearing armor is disdained, and you are expected to be moderately clean and the same with your cloths. This is because it is expected that you will change and maybe wash yourself before going shopping.


Out on the streets, in marketplaces, poor quaters, work sites, jails, and inns and taverns, any kind of clothing is acceptable, and having some amount of dirt on you is expected.


Anywhere else it is expected that you might have a lot of dirt on you. Just be careful that your score is 0. That means you smell terrible and NO ONE will want to have anything to do with you.


To clean yourself, you need bathe. Entering any water undressed up to chest deep should get a dialogue box asking if you want to clean yourself. Having soap with you gets you cleaner than you would without it. Soap should be able to be made at an alchemy lab.


To clean your clothes, you need a clothes backet. You can make a clothes back at a forge, with wood a major component. By activating the basket in your inventory, you can then transfer the 'dirty' clothes into it. Then entering into any body of water just below your knees should get a dialogue box asking if you want to wash your clothes. Using soap will get them cleaner.


There is another option though. There should a clothes cleaner at every general store. Give your clothes to the cleaner, and pay a small fee. After a while, you'll get a notice by courier that clothes are ready to be picked up. Pay the cleaner extra to have the courier deliver you the clothes when they are ready.


So that is my idea. I hope this is feasible, and I really hope that someone can pull this off. Tell me what you think?

Edited by brianiangoodman
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I was thinking about this a long time ago like how to visually mod the dirt in and make a way to wash it out or cause the game to use the clean version of something when the cleaning thing is done in game. Every single set of clothes would have to be altered for this but hard to say about armor. Maybe a generic overlay like how blood shows up on weapons and goes away after a while? So no matter what you are wearing it still shows and everything doesn't have to be modded to make it work. Waterfalls could be used for bathing or maybe just a bucket has to be in inventory and the player has to go to a stream and player house mod support would be a resource other modders could throw in like water storage or bath tub or shower room. Otherwise just wash the clothes/player from bucket or mod in a bath house in the city somewhere.

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