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Modding question


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I was wondering: is it possible at this time to add more items to the game (armors, weapons ect....) or is it only possibly to modify existing files?


thanks in advance :smile:

Yes, you can add more items. Not sure if you are asking for yourself, or for requesting someone else to add them (most modders will look for ideas, but since it is their hard work to make the mod, they will make what they find interesting).


It is much harder to add items than just modify existing stuff. It involves like twice as many steps, and new tools and techniques that you don't use when just modifying an existing thing in the game.


I worked on a mod that added dragons to Minecraft. Minecraft was much easier than this game as if you've played it, you know the graphics are much less detailed.


In general, to add an item, you copy an existing one as much as you can and then modify it. You need to be an artist to do the graphics part. You need someone that can create a model of the item if it is something like a mob that moves. You need to code everything it does (once again, you use as much existing code as you can).


I'm not an artist and a terrible modeler (this is a different thing than modding, which I'm so so at), so I'll never add something like a dragon to a game again. Was way harder than I wanted it to be. Ended up being not as much fun and more like work than I liked, so I quit modding Minecraft 6 years ago.

Edited by billwerth2
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thanks alot for the reply. I do ask for myself, not as a request. As a matter of fact, I am an artist/animator, ive been working with 3D for a while. it's the other part that I have 0 experience with (editing the code ect.....) maybe some arrangement can be made :D
im also unsure in the case of armors (which is the idea I have right now), as its not just a static mesh, but its skinned to the players skeleton. I know how to do that in a 3D software, but I have no idea if this is moddable in Valheim.

Edited by 0ulala
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thanks alot for the reply. I do ask for myself, not as a request. As a matter of fact, I am an artist/animator, ive been working with 3D for a while. it's the other part that I have 0 experience with (editing the code ect.....) maybe some arrangement can be made :D

im also unsure in the case of armors (which is the idea I have right now), as its not just a static mesh, but its skinned to the players skeleton. I know how to do that in a 3D software, but I have no idea if this is moddable in Valheim.




You might find someone interested. You need to know a bit of Unity coding to add new armors. I'm going to spend a few months refreshing my knowledge of C# and Visual Studio before I get into that, so I'm not interested in working on armors at this time. Maybe in a few months.


Here is a good introductory video that shows all the different aspects of what a person or a team will need to do to add an item (like armor) to the game:

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