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Everything posted by billwerth2

  1. Sorry no. I've never heard of that mod. Have you tried posting a message on the page for that mod? In this case, you know the mod that has the problem, so that is probably the best way to get some help.
  2. There had been a bug in one mod that caused this. I think it was the Plant Everything, but also think that was fixed over a month ago. You might want to check that if you have that mod that it is updated. BTW, Plant Everything is a replacement mod for Planting Plus. You should remove the Planting Plus mod and install the Plant Everything instead. The Planting Plus mod is the one with this bug you are seeing. Right there in the posts for Planting Plus is this: "Advize rewrote this mod, fixing some of the long standing bugs with it (including the broken hitboxes). This rewritten version is named "Plant Everything" and can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1042 Highly recommend switching as Planting Plus has a bug which breaks hitboxes randomly, requiring restarting Valheim to fix. This bug prevents you from hitting any creatures or fallen trees."
  3. Most of us just get our BepInEx from having Valheim Plus installed, but yes, you can get it from: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/denikson/BepInExPack_Valheim/ There was an update to BepInEx a few weeks ago, requiring everyone that runs mods to update it. Either get the latest update for Valheim Plus or install from the above link.
  4. I think what you want to use is ILSpy (or something like it) in Visual Studio. Looking at the code using ILSpy, it looks as if the comfort distance is a hard coded value of 10. It applies to all items in that radius that could provide comfort, not just the maypole. This is the line where it is hard coded: private static List<Piece> GetNearbyPieces(Vector3 point) { m_tempPieces.Clear(); Piece.GetAllPiecesInRadius(point, 10f, m_tempPieces); return m_tempPieces; } Seems possible to change that, although it could have all kinds of side affects for other places where it might be called other than from CalculateComfortLevel. So I think you could change the radius of all items that add to the player comfort. If you somehow know how to compare a piece to see if it is a maypole, I suppose you could then code in a wider radius value for just that piece in this function: public static void GetAllPiecesInRadius(Vector3 p, float radius, List<Piece> pieces) { if (ghostLayer == 0) { ghostLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("ghost"); } foreach (Piece allPiece in m_allPieces) { if (allPiece.gameObject.layer != ghostLayer && Vector3.Distance(p, allPiece.transform.position) < radius) { pieces.Add(allPiece); } } }
  5. I think this is the command to bring up the console. A recent update changed this to require that you start the game with: -console Look up this update to see how this has changed. So a change to the game, nothing to do with a mod.
  6. You have to add a launch option now to get to the console: -console https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Console_Commands
  7. BTW, since it looks like you are just adding some code, not modifying the code, you could probably just use a postfix method on the above function. Your method would add the iron drop in addition to the normal drop. BTW, much better help for this stuff can be found in this discord: https://discord.com/channels/807356896637354004/807360834892202015 As far as I know, that is the link. It works for me.
  8. That's a great idea! As an alternative I was thinking of setting a lock file to get around this issue. I did get a suggestion from someone else to just use SyncThing. https://syncthing.net/ I didn't test it, but it seems like a much simpler approach for non git familiar users. I thought of the lock file too. Didn't know exactly how to make it work though. I took a quick look at SyncThing. Looks interesting. Never heard of it. While you are playing, the files would be constantly updating. Would be interesting to see how it would handle that situation and hopefully it wouldn't hit your network too hard.
  9. I recommend you ask on the modding discord: https://discord.gg/SKWtmUkJ Also there is this video that can give you an idea of what you might need to do to make this mod:
  10. One small way you could improve this is add a file to those stored in the repo that contains the username of the person who last started the server. Also the time it was started. You can get that from: echo %username% echo time /T echo date /T You could then echo out the contents of the file with the user and time and prompt to continue or not. If the time was recent, the user would know it could be running and contact that person. If they see their name, they no they can continue and play without contacting anyone. Now if the IP of the server was added and echo'd also, that would help people know where they need to connect to for joining the server. I think the intent is that the param.txt is unique on each persons PC, but the batch file is the same for everyone. So the IP of when the server is run could go in the param.txt file too. Too bad Valheim doesn't just include a non-dedicated server option. This is all a bit more than I'd ask any of my friends to do.
  11. So by mods, I think you mean Valheim Plus mod. There are lots of other mods. There are in general two types of mods, client and server. Valheim Plus runs on both the client and server. It can be set on the server to use the server config file and copy that to the client. So most likely, you never edited the config file for Valheim Plus. You need to enable first the entire mod in the config file, and then every feature you want to use that is in there. There are a lot. If you did this, you would remember it.
  12. Yes, you can call private methods, what you need is to make a reverse patch, which creates your own method that is public that calls the private method (at least that is my simple explanation). There is documentation on how it works here: https://harmony.pardeike.net/articles/reverse-patching.html To alter a function, you need a transpiler. How to do this is in the above documentation too. I've yet to make one. So for I've just created prefix methods and the reverse patch. BTW, since it looks like you are just adding some code, not modifying the code, you could probably just use a postfix method on the above function. Your method would add the iron drop in addition to the normal drop. BTW, much better help for this stuff can be found in this discord: https://discord.com/channels/807356896637354004/807360834892202015
  13. Some people are great at reading through all the code in a game and figuring out how stuff is done. They then just duplicate that code in their own mod and modify it slightly to their needs. I'm pretty good at taking someone who already has that code they modified and modifying it more to do something slightly different. Not great at creating that first mod though. There are some mods out there already that take a building, store its design and place it in a new location. One of my favorite villages to come across is the one with the draugers in it. It is like a village of the dead. Even copying how the game generates one of those would make a nice mod that generates them in more locations. I've played a number of maps (worlds), but have only seen one of those type of villages at most. The game could use a few more, as they give you stuff before you would normally be going into the swamp. An added challenge. Other like that would be a nice addition to the game. This forum doesn't seem like the best place to find a programmer. I suggest you try this discord: https://discord.gg/SKWtmUkJ
  14. It is not your mods. That is just the game being in Early Access and not finished yet. I assume at some point you will be able to upgrade the bench and your troll armor another level (I love the troll armor, so can't wait).
  15. OK, normally you see this sort of post in the steam forums, not here. BTW, these forums aren't used much, probably because there are discord channels that are better read than this forum. So assuming you are serious, just try a 2nd world (different seed). The game is highly random. What you are describing is possible, but not the norm. You are just as likely to not find even one copper node in your first black forest and no crypts at all in your first swamp. You were just lucky. If you want to get an idea of normal, click the Random and then the Go! button here several times: http://valheim-map.world/
  16. I plan to read up on Transpilers and see if I can understand them. If I can make sense of them, I'll publish his BuildHelper mod too. I've read the harmony wiki, but still not sure exactly how they work.
  17. You might be mixing up a couple of the names for stuff. Don't know what Vortex Plus is, but Valheim Plus is a mod that by default is not enabled. You need to go into its config file and enable each part of it you want. Think of it as if it is a combination of many mods (over 20) and each must be enabled in the config file for it to work. Even that picture at the start must be enabled (I think that is at the very top of the config file). BTW, you will probably get better help directly at either the mod page or their discord: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/4
  18. Great idea. I wrote a mod for Minecraft that spawned some friendly villages that had loot. I couldn't have done it though if I hadn't copied some similar code from someone else. I'd like to see this added, but at this point I am just learning harmony. I haven't done any Unity yet. Doesn't seem like I'd be of much help. If I was working on this, I'd first try and get ahold of the source to one of the mods that spawns in fully built buildings. You could build the villages in game, capture them, and then spawn them into the game in random locations using that code. You would then need to figure out how to spawn the villagers and add AI to them.
  19. Just to see what a pain it is likely to be to have published a mod for this game, here is one of his mods essentially unchanged, and uploaded by me: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/945
  20. Pretty sure you have to post Proof of Permission, such as screenshots of the chat, or email etc. It does say right on the mod page that: "You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator". Looking through the posts, to see if maybe the mod author left a link to GitHub, I read this: "Unfortunately the issue of not being able to hit things (ex. mobs, trees) is still randomly occurring. Disabling this mod fixes the issue, which is a bummer because this is such a great mod. Hopefully the creator will have this issue fixed in an update. " I'd run into this problem using this mod. I never figured out what caused it. If it is this mod, it could be hard to find the problem, as it only seems to occur after you play about an hour. I don't see a link to the source. Without that, it is a bit harder to make a copy of the mod. I don't have the time right now, but maybe someone else will look into this. Nice mod. I liked it.
  21. Valheim Plus I think does everything ImNoMasochist does except "rested length per comfort level". It also does everything BuildHelper does except maybe the distance extensions can apply. Might do those too, I just don't recall. They are adding stuff all the time, hard to keep track.
  22. Yes, I think every mod on the Nexus site requires BepInEx. Some mods will include it and install it as part of their install. One that does this is Valheim Plus. So one option is to install that and just disable all of its features. Others will list BepInEx near the top of the mod page under Requirements, which you need to expand to see this. If not in Requirements, there will be a separate link to it from which you can install it. No idea about textures, I haven't installed any.
  23. I looked on GitHub, didn't see any mods by Xenofell, so can't really comment on mods I've never seen and don't know the name of. Its possible the source can be used, but maybe not, depends on the license used. If the source can be used, some other modder could easily take up support of the mods and just give credit to the original author. No idea why this modder called it quits, it could be anything. Although if it their first time modding, they may have gotten a rude surprise. Most people that use your mod saying nothing. You are just as likely to get responses from a very angry person (seems like they hang out here a lot on the Internet) than someone praising you for a job well done. This can make modding less fun than most people would like and tends to make a lot of modders quit shortly after they begin. I'm saying this from experience. I quit modding six years ago. Going to give it another shot, no idea how long I'll last this time (last time it was a bit over a year). Like Journeyman says, you can find mods that do the same thing as some of his mods. One I like that is similar to RememberIPDamnit is QuickConnect for instance. It would have been nice if cstamford would have put a license on his code in GitHub. By default, if no license is shown, it is copyrighted and can't be copied (at least this is what I learned 30 years ago and I think it still works that way). The Nexus site has some fairly strict rules about copying other mods on their site, although the mods are not on their site anymore, so seems like someone could repost a few of them and maintain them. I'm wanting to get started modding for Valheim. Which of his mods are you finding you just can't do without? I would want to confirm he wouldn't mind me posting his mod and giving him credit first though. Don't want my very first mod to get me in hot water :)
  24. You might find someone interested. You need to know a bit of Unity coding to add new armors. I'm going to spend a few months refreshing my knowledge of C# and Visual Studio before I get into that, so I'm not interested in working on armors at this time. Maybe in a few months. Here is a good introductory video that shows all the different aspects of what a person or a team will need to do to add an item (like armor) to the game:
  25. I'm not the one taking other people's hard thought ideas and taking credit for it lol sorry You are making a lot of assumptions here. If I had a mod with as many features as their mod has, the chance that someone would unknowingly make or that it would have duplicate functionality as another mod is pretty high. I think that is mostly what you are seeing here. To assume they actually stole the other mods is not based on any facts you have though. They do give credits on GitHub to some other mod authors for some of their code. You can see credits also on the Nexus site for the Valheim mod. Not sure what is pissing you off so much. That they are so successful and you are not. They have I think 4 or 5 people working on their mod. One of them full time. Not sure if you mod, if you did, you would not that a lot of stuff their mod does is all the low hanging fruit, the easy stuff to add. Also of course, they have some unique and great features too. It is the one stop shopping of some many features that makes their mod easy to install and get most of the stuff you would want. Honestly your post here is like a promotion of their mod.
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