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CTD 1 minute after load save game in solstheim


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hi,i've got this problem when i play dragonborn DLC, i cant play my last save game again cos i've got crash 1 minute after loading the save.


i've try to load my last game before going to solstheim and go there, i can play it like 1 or 2 hours. but after i save my game i cant play it again cos it crashed like 1 minute after loading it.


so here my papyrus log.



[05/04/2013 - 11:23:01AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:01AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:01AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:20AM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:21AM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxHouseEnabler", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09007ADE) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006919) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006915) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006911) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:22AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006909) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to alias Water on quest DLC2TTF2 (0301AAC8) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027110) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027111) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027112) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027113) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027117) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027115) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027114) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027116) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWait on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DismissedFollower on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessage on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC2RRTeldrynSero on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (0302710F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property Axe on script DLC2DBAncientDragonbornSCRIPT attached to (0301DC33) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property Alias_LevitationTarget on script DLC2_QF_DLC2DialogueTelMithry_02017E85 attached to DLC2DialogueTelMithryn (03017E85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] VM is freezing...
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:42AM] VM is frozen
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Reverting game...
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09007ADE) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006909) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006915) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006911) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (09006919) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to alias Water on quest DLC2TTF2 (0301AAC8) because their base types do not match
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027110) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027113) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027116) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027115) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027114) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (0302710F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property Axe on script DLC2DBAncientDragonbornSCRIPT attached to (0301DC33) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property Alias_LevitationTarget on script DLC2_QF_DLC2DialogueTelMithry_02017E85 attached to DLC2DialogueTelMithryn (03017E85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWait on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DismissedFollower on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessage on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property DLC2RRTeldrynSero on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:43AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027112) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027117) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:44AM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027111) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:23:51AM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Loading game...
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTDisableVulthurkrahExit", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTDisableVulthurkrahExit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "IAStartupQuestScript", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type IAStartupQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTTEST_01022528", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTTEST_01022528 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTCartPassengers", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTCartPassengers referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTBedSetStage", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTBedSetStage referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTOpenDwemerBox", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTOpenDwemerBox referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTRebuildScript", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTRebuildScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WTExitCart", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type WTExitCart referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] Cannot open store for class "imaginatorhelperbanishscript", missing file?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Unable to get type imaginatorhelperbanishscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:13AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTExitCart in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTCartPassengers in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTRebuildScript in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTTEST_01022528 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTDisableVulthurkrahExit in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTOpenDwemerBox in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14 in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type IAStartupQuestScript in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type imaginatorhelperbanishscript in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248493 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248492 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 250417 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248494 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] VM is thawing...
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] SERANA CURE QUEST: Player loading, setting eyes.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] SERANA CURE QUEST: Setting eye texture.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnPlayerLoadGame() calling MakeAliasesEyesRed()
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] [dlc1vampireturnscript <DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]MakeAliasesEyesRed()
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] Error: File "HearthFires.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02)].DLC2InitCrossDLCScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DLC2InitCrossDLCScript.psc" Line 39
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:14AM] DLC2InitCrossDLCScript found: [DLC1VQ01QuestScript <DLC1VQ01 (0200352A)>], None
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: (02002B74): Has no 3D and thus cannot swap his eye textures..
[ (02002B74)].DLC1SeranaLevelingScript.SetEyeTexture() - "<native>" Line ?
[DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest (02005044)].DLC1SeranaCureQuestScript.SetEyes() - "DLC1SeranaCureQuestScript.psc" Line 43
[alias Player on quest DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest (02005044)].DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuestPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 6
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 46
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 47
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 48
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 49
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 50
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 51
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:15AM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 52
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36
[RaceMenuPlugin (10000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM]
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM] =====Shooting Stars is searching for SKSE and SkyUI. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM]
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM]
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM] =====Shooting Stars is finished searching!=====
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:16AM]
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:20AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:20AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:22AM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0009BF55)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:26AM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0009C024)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:28AM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0009BEDE)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:30AM] Error: alias AAEMMinnettePlaceTalk on quest AAEMCompViljaPlacetalk (1E00EC83): Cannot force the alias's reference to a None reference.
[alias AAEMMinnettePlaceTalk on quest AAEMCompViljaPlacetalk (1E00EC83)].ReferenceAlias.ForceRefTo() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (1E0012C4)].viljascript.OnInit() - "Viljascript.psc" Line 320
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:30AM] Error: alias AAEMMinetteViljaQuest on quest AAEMCompViljaQuest1 (1E001829): Cannot force the alias's reference to a None reference.
[alias AAEMMinetteViljaQuest on quest AAEMCompViljaQuest1 (1E001829)].ReferenceAlias.ForceRefTo() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (1E0012C4)].viljascript.OnInit() - "Viljascript.psc" Line 322
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:30AM] Error: alias AAEMMinetteInSolitude on quest AAEMViljainSolitude (1E05020A): Cannot force the alias's reference to a None reference.
[alias AAEMMinetteInSolitude on quest AAEMViljainSolitude (1E05020A)].ReferenceAlias.ForceRefTo() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (1E0012C4)].viljascript.OnInit() - "Viljascript.psc" Line 324
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:32AM] Error: Cannot call RemoveAllItems() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (1E0012C4)].viljascript.init2() - "Viljascript.psc" Line 524
[ (1E0012C4)].viljascript.OnInit() - "Viljascript.psc" Line 373
[05/04/2013 - 11:24:34AM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00046336)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?





got the same papyrus log when i got crashed.

my load order:



  • Skyrim.esm Active
  • Update.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
    • Contains dirty edits: 92 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Dawnguard.esm Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 607 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Dragonborn.esm Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 57 ITM, 8 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • ApachiiHair.esm Active
  • RaceCompatibility.esm Active
  • ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Active
  • Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm Active
  • Brawl Bugs CE.esp Active
  • CLARALUX.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • CLARALUX-DG-Patch.esp Active
  • Birds.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 376 ITM, 2 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • ShootingStars.esp Active
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp Active
  • IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp Active
  • RaceMenu.esp Active
  • RaceMenuPlugin.esp Active
    • Note: RaceMenuPlugin is optional and provides support to alter Height, Breast, Glute and Biceps. If you experience issues with it, disable RaceMenuPlugin.esp and inform the author.
  • SkyUI.esp Active
  • calyps-investigator.esp Active
  • Cloaks.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
  • Cloaks - No Imperial.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one cloaks*esp
  • Cloaks - Player Only.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one cloaks*esp
  • Shadow Remover.esp Active
  • SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp Active
    • Note: Uninstall old version of Skyrim Flora Overhaul if using SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Cold.esp Active
    • Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp Active
  • Duel - Combat Realism.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Sit Anywhere.esp Active
  • Brows.esp Active
  • EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp Active
  • EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp Active
  • GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp Active
  • PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active



my spec


intel core2 Duo CPU E7500 2.93 GHz

2.0 GB RAM

ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series



can someone help me??

Edited by kayablekok
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I don't use it, so I can't swear to it, but my guess is that Claralux is the issue, since it requires patches for Dawnguard and Hearthfire, but does not provide one for Dragonborn. I suspect the author has not made their mod Dragonborn compatible. That would explain why you are crashing where you are crashing. Also, there are quite a lot of people reporting issues with it on the mod discussion thread.

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I don't use it, so I can't swear to it, but my guess is that Claralux is the issue, since it requires patches for Dawnguard and Hearthfire, but does not provide one for Dragonborn. I suspect the author has not made their mod Dragonborn compatible. That would explain why you are crashing where you are crashing. Also, there are quite a lot of people reporting issues with it on the mod discussion thread.



i think its not the claralux, now the claralux error message from log is decreasing because i change version from 4A to 2A, and the error is just looking what missing from 4A, but i still got CTD after loading the game



the log when i got CTD



[05/04/2013 - 08:57:37PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[05/04/2013 - 08:57:37PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)

[05/04/2013 - 08:57:37PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)

[05/04/2013 - 08:57:56PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:57:56PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to alias Water on quest DLC2TTF2 (0301AAC8) because their base types do not match

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027110) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027111) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027112) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027113) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027117) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027115) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027114) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DismissedFollower on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC2RRTeldrynSero on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessage on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWait on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027116) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (0302710F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property Axe on script DLC2DBAncientDragonbornSCRIPT attached to (0301DC33) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:00PM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Alias_LevitationTarget on script DLC2_QF_DLC2DialogueTelMithry_02017E85 attached to DLC2DialogueTelMithryn (03017E85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] VM is freezing...

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] VM is frozen

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] Reverting game...

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to alias Water on quest DLC2TTF2 (0301AAC8) because their base types do not match

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027110) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027112) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027113) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027116) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027115) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027114) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (0302710F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Axe on script DLC2DBAncientDragonbornSCRIPT attached to (0301DC33) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Alias_LevitationTarget on script DLC2_QF_DLC2DialogueTelMithry_02017E85 attached to DLC2DialogueTelMithryn (03017E85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DismissedFollower on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DLC2RRTeldrynSero on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessage on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWait on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027117) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:01PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:02PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027111) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:05PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Loading game...

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "IAStartupQuestScript", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type IAStartupQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTBedSetStage", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTBedSetStage referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTCartPassengers", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTCartPassengers referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "imaginatorhelperbanishscript", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type imaginatorhelperbanishscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTDisableVulthurkrahExit", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTDisableVulthurkrahExit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTExitCart", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTExitCart referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "cluxEnableDisable", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type cluxEnableDisable referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTTEST_01022528", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTTEST_01022528 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTRebuildScript", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTRebuildScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "cluxAddPowerQuestScript", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type cluxAddPowerQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "WTOpenDwemerBox", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type WTOpenDwemerBox referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "cluxLightAdjust_PlaceAtMe_PathTorches", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type cluxLightAdjust_PlaceAtMe_PathTorches referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258", missing file?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:17PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type imaginatorhelperbanishscript in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type cluxLightAdjust_PlaceAtMe_PathTorches in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type cluxEnableDisable in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTVulthurkrahHoverFromDen_011052ED in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type cluxAddPowerQuestScript in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTTravelScene_010E80BB in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTExitCart in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTBarrowOfTheWyrm_01028F01 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTImperialCartController1_0111063F in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTCartPassengers in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type PF_ThelmaWork8x17_0100B44F in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTRebuild_0111E1D3 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTRebuildScript in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type SF_WTImperialCartController2_01110640 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTTEST_01022528 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTDisableVulthurkrahExit in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTHorseCart1TravelToWyrms_0110E258 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type QF_WTPlayerHome_0128D0B5 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTOpenDwemerBox in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type PF_WTVulthurkrahRaiseDead_01102F14 in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type IAStartupQuestScript in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:18PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] warning: Could not find type WTBedSetStage in the type table in save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248493 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 250417 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248494 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] warning: Function fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT..OnLoad in stack frame 0 in stack 248492 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] VM is thawing...

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] SERANA CURE QUEST: Player loading, setting eyes.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] SERANA CURE QUEST: Setting eye texture.

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnPlayerLoadGame() calling MakeAliasesEyesRed()

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] [dlc1vampireturnscript <DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]MakeAliasesEyesRed()

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] Error: (02002B74): Has no 3D and thus cannot swap his eye textures..


[ (02002B74)].DLC1SeranaLevelingScript.SetEyeTexture() - "<native>" Line ?

[DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest (02005044)].DLC1SeranaCureQuestScript.SetEyes() - "DLC1SeranaCureQuestScript.psc" Line 43

[alias Player on quest DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest (02005044)].DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuestPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 6

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] Error: File "HearthFires.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02)].DLC2InitCrossDLCScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DLC2InitCrossDLCScript.psc" Line 39

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:19PM] DLC2InitCrossDLCScript found: [QF_DLC01VQ01_0100352A <DLC1VQ01 (0200352A)>], None

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 46

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 47

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 48

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 49

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 50

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 51

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 4, got 3.


[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.LoadPlayerNodeScales() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 52

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnReloadSettings() - "RaceMenuPlugin.psc" Line 36

[RaceMenuPlugin (0F000801)].RaceMenuPlugin.OnMenuLoadPlugins() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 86

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM]

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] =====Shooting Stars is searching for SKSE and SkyUI. Any errors below are harmless.=====

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM]

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM]

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM] =====Shooting Stars is finished searching!=====

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:20PM]

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:26PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D


[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (0009C024)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:30PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D


[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (00046336)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:34PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D


[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (0009BF55)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?

[05/04/2013 - 08:58:37PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.





and i want to ask something, what RNPC periodic update check mean??im often got that as a last line before i got CTD



yeah i thought its because RNPC periodic update check,the last line always that when i got CTD ,whats that mean?

Edited by kayablekok
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The papyrus log is not a crash log. It is rare that it provides useful information related to a crash, since it stops when the crash hits, as opposed to an error log, which collects information after a crash. What you are seeing are just scripts being recorded. It is supposed to happen.


You understand that Claralux needed a patch in order to work with Dawnguard, yes? The author seems pretty absent from that mod, and has not provided a patch for Dragonborn. That means when you go into the areas added by Dragonborn, claralux is not compatible. You are crashing in that exact area. I am perplexed that you would dismiss that as a cause.


However, good luck to you.

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