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(MOD Request) Resource Node reset.


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Sounds like a good idea, no idea if it is possible.


An alternative idea is a mod that lets players accumulate points based on how many hours they play on the server.


Players could exchange their points any time they like for coins.


You would then add a mod like Better Trader or Epic Loot and players exchange their coins at the trader for the resources that are all farmed out.


There are mods also that allow all trees to be replanted, but that doesn't solve the mining being all mined out or dungeons being empty.


I'm actually working on a mod that will give players items. So for instance a new player (which will have no chance of advancing on you heavily populated server) could get a starter kit, that even gives them stuff like cores. I'm just taking my time though, no idea when I'll actually have a working copy that anyone can use. Someone else might have something like this or have more time than me and they are welcome to roll with this in any way they like.

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