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Is this mod is too offensive for Nexus?


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Just a quickie; I've made a silly mod just for shits and giggles (excuse the pun) that makes animals fart and drop turds intermittently and was wondering whether this mod would be deemed too offensive to post on the Nexus.

Basically the poop can be used to make ingots, weapons, food, poisons and so on. There's also a whole complicated system that controls the frequency of pooping by analysing the state of the animal. It's mainly just for laughs but I'd rather not get myself banned because of the other mod I'm currently working on (Wyrmstooth).

EDIT: OK, here goes: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35670

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Is this mod is too offensive for Nexus?


Look around how many mods are complet useless BS or just add bouncing body parts for the sake of the gamer playing with one hand. Also, before you ask such a question ask yourself why you spending time to make animals in an PC Game poop.

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Just make it simple and make things crap just after they die like that one episode of southpark. Would be funny to see a wolf carcass bouncing up and down crapping right after it died or you could just mod proper junk on giants so when they stand over you in a fight you can't help but laugh and hope it doesn't knock you over hehe:-)

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Guest Messenjah

I would just upload it lol. Nothing politically offensive about poop. :P


It's gross but it isn't anything racist, sexist, pornographic, or pedophile/rape related. :P You are probably just fine.

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