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Dimonized UNP Body self-destructed, can't find useable advice


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In a nutshell, I installed Dimonzed UNP Female Body. I intentionally ignored the UNPB, and the CBBE crossover.... thing. One, I wanted slightly better looking women not supermodels and two (and this one is really important), the mess was too damn complicated. I actually wanted to play the game someday. Unfortunately, I didn't keep very good notes as to how I did it. I -may- have used a UNP compatible texture pack. I used both with the Nexus Mod Manager. I think I just activated the mod, it set it up, asked basic questions like "underwear no/type1/type2" and "shaved,unshaved" etc. and in it went. While I used a custom race it cooperated with UNP beautifully aside from a slightly more pronounced neck seam but ah heck I was happy. I could overlook that, and it didn't show up (or I didn't look closely enough) at the NPC women to see it on them.


76 mods later of all sorts I'm happily mosing along and NMM says it wants to "update". Being the idiot I am I forsook my oath to never update stuff because I'm one of those poor, clueless bastards for whom updating things usually breaks them far more than letting them go obsolete. After updating itself, it looks like NMM took the liberty of BLAZING through my modlist and updating them as well. I say "it looks like" because the blur of words was too fast to make out anything more than what looked like bits and peices of the names of the various mods I had downloaded. Then I try to play and it looks like all the female bodies in the game have about.... a grand sum of maybe 40 or 50 flat surfaces composing their bodies including faces. Really, I can rotate the camera and it looks like facets of a gemstone lighting up, only gemstones look awesome because they're supposed to look like that. It makes people look hideous.


I've tried disabling/renabling the mod (i've used BOSS, always used BOSS right from the very beginning), I've redownloaded it entirely, tried manually installing it, etc. etc. I never get presented with a similar set of options as I did the very first time, and it never gets better. I've looked at the issue with Bethesda's textures overwriting UNP's textures, and the fix for that. Didn't work. (Besides, if that was the problem wouldn't it of struck right from the start?) Admittedly, my memory is faulty. I can't remember if I used a complementary texture mod with the UNP base body. I seem to remember a nexus mod with alot of pictures of skin textures and faces, however all attempts to find it again have failed. I have found a mod that looks -similar- but based on the pictures does not create the effect I originally had. The one I'm thinking of either never existed, or has since disappeared.


I've tried looking for different UNP compatible textures and faces. It's a science, a truly grand science. Also one I don't give a crap about. Whatever I did was not fancy. It was plug and play, and it worked. I do not want to foray into this science because I'm no good at it (seriously, no good can ever come with me trying to play with a texture blender. Mostly because I doubt that it even addresses my problem in the first place). If there isn't a simple solution, or some big fancy update utterly broke the mod beyond repair, just tell me and I'll give up and go back to vanilla female bodies and get back to what's really important, playing the game.

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UNP Replacer Configuration Package

Easily configure with a dialog box during install to choose the body and face mod(s) that you want to use.

That is the only mod I know that makes installing UNP & face mods to the default location for all races an uncomplicated mess.


I don't know if NMM could have screwed up an existing installed mod. I've updated without issues but then I also do a lot of uninstalling and reinstalling of mods for testing purposes. The NMM update could have hit while I had few to no mods installed.

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UNP Replacer Configuration Package

Easily configure with a dialog box during install to choose the body and face mod(s) that you want to use.

That is the only mod I know that makes installing UNP & face mods to the default location for all races an uncomplicated mess.


I don't know if NMM could have screwed up an existing installed mod. I've updated without issues but then I also do a lot of uninstalling and reinstalling of mods for testing purposes. The NMM update could have hit while I had few to no mods installed.


Whatever voodoo that thing uses worked beautifully. Thank you so very much.

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