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Please help! Need help setting up a crime system.

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

Recently, I've tried to ask for help here and haven't had any responses. I need help setting up a custom crime system and I need to get it going soon.



This mod uses 100% custom npc's, guards, factions, locations, etc.


What I have done, is set up different factions for the various dialogue. Then I created some custom guards/bouncers. I do not want them to arrest the player, but rather, if they have crimegold above 0 on their related crime faction, I want them to forcegreet the player, telling them to either pay the fine or leave the premesis.


On the inside, I have a trigger box that, once the player enters, will trigger the guards to attack if his/her crimegold is over 0.



The crimefaction is set to defaults. There isn't a jail/prison outfit because I don't want them to arrest the player. I also don't have arrest ticked. I do have trackcrime ticked though.


I'm finding 3 issues:


1. The triggerbox, even though, tells the front door guard to act as though he was assaulted the player, does not cause the guards within the crime faction to attack the player.


2. The door guard does not forcegreet the player. (His forcegreet package is set with the conditoin (GetCrimeGold > 0) and is ticked, "must complete."


I did NOT set up a shared crime faction list. Track crime IS ticked within the Faction.


The other dialogue DOES work and I HAVE generated an SEQ file. The quest is marked, start game enabled.



It just appears that the game isn't actually tracking the crime gold for the faction? Or do I need to have arrest ticked? I just have attack on site ticked.

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You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about how the crime system works. I don't know from what you say there, but it isn't altogether easy to say what is or isn't a crime in Skyrim (mainly thanks to the nebulous assault system).


To have crimes, you need NPCs with a Crime Faction who report crimes, and the report has to be delivered to a guard (otherwise, the crime gold is removed). You need to verify each step of this process or nothing can happen.

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Guest Messenjah

So.... I murdered npc's within the crime faction and set up a debug script to show the crime gold value. After I assaulted 3-5 people, murdered a couple of them, assaulted the owner and stole some goods.... crime gold shows that it is still at 0?


How do you get crimegold results for a custom faction?


Apparently, it just isn't returning a value?

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NPCs "only" need a navmesh and working paths to report anything. Aside from that, they need to have that one crime faction in their Actor/Factions Tab. As far as I know, it's just one faction that has the "track crime" flag that you need. Having more than one would just confuse the engine I think.


Via PM:


Hey, I'm the one having issues with setting up a crime system. I've tried a bunch of stuff. I have Bouncers/guards that are assigned a crime faction. I have also assigned other members to that crime faction. I also set up a debugging script to show what my crime gold is. After assualting/killing members of the crime faction and it IS set to track crime, use default values and is flagged to both arrest and attack on site... the custom guards/bouncers are set to protect friends and allies...

How do you set up npc's to report to a crime faction? Do they need to be in the crime faction with the guards, or do they need to be inside their own faction, and set to report crimes, then also include them in the crime faction?

Are there any other flags that can cause them to report crimes?

Do I need to set up a shared crime faction?

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Guest Messenjah

Hmmm, I'm going to re-think my factions today and do a few things to improve upon them.


The problem I'm having, is that the npc's will attack me in that faction, but the crime gold still remains at 0 for that faction.


I'm thinking about just writing a custom system. I don't know if I can get it to report stolen items or tresspassing, but I CAN get it to report assualts/deaths. I was thinking about attaching a script to each npc that adds to a global value depending on if you trigger an on-hit event or an on-death event. It will also report alerts to these factions. Then, within the quest script, just add something to track the crime.


I can get them to easily report to any vanilla crime faction, but I can't get them to report to a custom crime faction. :(

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