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Doom 4


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Anyone excited for Doom 4? I am. I also can't wait until it comes out. Whether you have a PC Xbox360 or a PS3 you have to be excited about this game, which is scheduled for this year. This topic is to let me and others know what you think about it, if it will be good, and to release any details you know about it. :thanks:
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I know I want to get it sometime. It'll have been five years since Doom 3 by the time this game is expected to be released, and that length of time is long enough for me to gain enough curiosity to see what the continuation of the series is like and being impatient of the wait all the while. :cool:
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I know I want to get it sometime. It'll have been five years since Doom 3 by the time this game is expected to be released, and that length of time is long enough for me to gain enough curiosity to see what the continuation of the series is like and being impatient of the wait all the while. :cool:


5 years, gosh that's really old for a game. I played it quite late, I mean Doom 3 together with RoE in the end of 2007. Really enjoyed it alot even though RoE was abit lame(except for the super shotgun^^). Doom 4? I will definitely buy it for PC, but probably not right after release, but later.

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I sure hope they decide to spice the game up rather than trying to use the old run and gun formula again.


I enjoyed playing it mostly, but got rather bored of the enviroment after going through the Alpha Labs 1 to 4 and then endless amount of Delta Labs.


I sure hope they generate the same kind of atmosphere as in 3, but make the enemies make far greater use of the environment. It was kind of annoying to see how Imp's crawl all over the place in cutscenes but employ no such movements in combat.

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I sure hope they decide to spice the game up rather than trying to use the old run and gun formula again.


I enjoyed playing it mostly, but got rather bored of the enviroment after going through the Alpha Labs 1 to 4 and then endless amount of Delta Labs.


I sure hope they generate the same kind of atmosphere as in 3, but make the enemies make far greater use of the environment. It was kind of annoying to see how Imp's crawl all over the place in cutscenes but employ no such movements in combat.


yes, you're right. That should be on the improvements list imo. What I'd like to add also would be more interesting ending levels. A bit hard to describe, in the beginning, the lvls are really big(or at least seem so) and have some sort of variety. But in the end, where

all corridors are spilled with blood, writings and skeletons

, it gets really linear like you only have to follow the hallway, no big rooms to check out. Also, more secrest would be appreciated. C'mon, only that one pda in the last lvl, that's all?

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From what I've heard the game will be brighter and bigger due to it being on Earth also u will have allies that don't die in one hit. I'm not sure about the weapons but I'm sure the BFG will be back. Also idk about the taking advantage of the environment, but they will probably have it b/c we r to far in next gen. gaming to not have that. :thumbsup:
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm just scared we get another game that acts scary. Sure, some people say Doom 3 was scary, but actually there's a very fine line between being scared and getting a fright every now and then. Doom 3 used demons unexpectedly leaping out at you and dark shadows hiding crazy demons to scare you, and after a wjile it just became commonplace because the same thing happened the whole time through.
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Doom 3 was the lowest of the low, and thus Doom 4 will be better.


Doom 1 is my favourtie game, and I still play it about once a month. Doom 2 was okay- more of the same, with the double barraled shotgun thrown in, and some new levels. Then there was a long wait for Doom 3- and the hype around it was unbelievable. Romero had left ID long time ago- and Doom 3 ended up being a frustrating experience- with the "scary" bit being: clear a room- about to relax when the lights flicker and go out, and all hell breaks loose in the dark. Repeated till you were convinvced that the game was useless.


The reason I still play Doom 1 is the awesome level design. Even after completing it umpteen times, I still get stuck on some levels- and have to switch to navigating in the map mode. You stop noticing the blocky graphics a few minutes into the game, and the experience is thoroughly satisfying.


So I do not have high hopes for Doom 4, and am blissfully unaware of the/any hype.

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Doom 3 wasn't a bad game, but it could have been a lot better. With D3, Id seemed to have equated "dark" with "scary" and decided just to turn all the lights out and add a bunch of monster closets. "Dim" is scary, "dark" is annoying- especially when your futuristic meathead marine can't use a gun with a bloody flashlight attached to it. Also, "I can hear that... what is that? Are my guns loaded? Is it right around that next corner? I hope that's not what I think it is, I'm almost dead..." is scarier than "holycrapamonsterspawnedonmyface."


As a straight-up run-and-gun with a horror premise, D3 was a good game. It just wasn't great. It was also bloody annoying without first installing one of the umpteen flashlight mods so that you didn't have to choose between seeing and fighting.


*edit* Reflection and refraction... with all those shiny metal surfaces, you'd expect more of the room to be illuminated by the flashlight than the itty bitty little cone directly in front of you. Those effects were available when D3 came out, Id just didn't use them properly.

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