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New mods as single "saves"?


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So I want to make multiple new npcs in the creation kit and add them to skyrim. Can I just save them in the main skyrim.esm or do I have to make a new save like newcharacter.esm for each new npc I make? Sorry noob here
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Ok and the new .esp file I make, I can do all the changes I want in that file? Make multiple npc in it, change houses around etc...? I like to have all my mods in one ESP so it's "organized"
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Edit: and if I want somthing in the CK that's not in the skyrim.esm for example a hair mod that I want to use on my npc when I open the CK I would check skyrim.esm AND the hair mod so that it's contents are put into it right?
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Provided that that hair mod is also an esm. If not you'll need to perform some additional steps. linky linky (or see the link in my sig.. same thing)


Alternatively if you are not going to release the mod to the public, you could incorporate just those hairs (and other items) that you want to use into your plugin. It would save you the unnecessary loading of all those hairs when you already know exactly what you want.

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Yes it's the apachiiskyhair mod,

And no I won't be releasing my mods to the public it will just be for personal use. (Although I do intend to make mods once I learn abit more)


Also how do I incorporate the mods into mine?i don't really get that part. Could I merge all the mods I want with mine so that it's just one huge .esp mod that has all the mods including mine so I can edit it all?

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I wasn't refering to merging. That is a different animal alltogether. What I was refering to was if there was a specific hair that you wanted to use you could open the CK with apachiihair. Then open your mod in another instance of the CK (see the tutorial link eariler for instructions to allow 2+ CK instances). In apachii's case the assets are already loose files so all you'd need to do is recreate the forms for the specific hair that you want your NPC to use. Then voila your plugin will use that one apachii hair without needing the apachii mod installed (just be sure to either pack your BSA before completely removing apachii hair or back up the specific files you will be using).

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Just read through all your tutorial. That's all required to make 1 npc?!?

I couldn't just load up the CK with skyrim.esm and apachiiskyhair.esp then build the character in the npc section? Then save it and place it somewhere in the world?

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You read the whole mannequin tutorial or just the section on ESPs as "masterfiles" (i.e. parent mod)?


The whole page (full tutorial) was for making a mannequin and preset that looked like your player character. The linked subsection was regarding how to use another mod as a parent to your mod so that you can properly use said mod's assets (i.e. hair, eyes, etc...).


However, yes you can load Skyrim & apachiihair's esm file and make your NPC and place it somewhere. Only drawback would be that you would need apachiihair installed and active at all times. If that isn't an issue then no worries. If plugin count is at a premium or you won't need the rest of the hairs in the game you can recreate just those hair records that you will be using. That is your call. Both methods work.


For starters... just use the hair mod as a master. Once you are comfortable making and placing an NPC, then you can consider incorporating the elements from other mods.

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