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Technologically Savvy People Needed For Helping Performance!


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I have almost no knowledge of the technical side of computers and the internal workings of them, but these are my computer specs: Processor is Intel® Core i7 CPU 965 @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz with 6.00 GB of RAM and a 64-bit Operating System. The graphics card is a GeForce GTX 480. I hope that made more sense to you all than it did me; I just copied that from my system properties section. I'm also running windows 7 if that matters.


Now I am running multiple mods for Skyrim along with an ENB that is apparently taking up a lot of fps. The game is extremely laggy to the point that it's unbearable. My question is should my computer be able to handle an enb and around 15 other mods (with only half of them being a decent size)? If so, what could I do to make my computer handle better?


**Note** I don't have the money at this point in time to afford any new parts so please don't suggest that, and i'm already using msi afterburner to help out the lag. Any new information you could provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading this far.

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