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So I finally started my next character


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I mentioned in the summer I wasn't going to start a new character until I got a new PC. Well I got one, a really good one at that. I have all the mods I want, especially some incredible animation mods. Thus welcome my next Champion of Cyrodil, "Llunette Niamhara." Since I want to do the Dark Brotherhood questline, she's going to start out kinda morally grey, but eventually find out she was betrayed from the start by them. Long backstory there. I do have a mod that in theory should allow me to kill the Night Mother, so yeah by the end of the questline she winds up aiding the traitor, after she found out she herself was betrayed by the Dark Brotherhood. After that, she'll likely wander around a bit, do a few quests here and there, maybe fight in the Arena as she's an amazing swordsman for some cash. Then finally the past will catch up with her, she gets busted thrown in jail, and thus the mainquest begins. When the mainquest is complete I have my all time favorite mod ready to play Kvatch Aftermath by Giskard. Also I will finally at that point play Shivering Isle's. I have yet to play the expansion at all yet so, fun times! :D


If you remember my posts from the summer, I already had a Countess running Kvatch, and was doing great until I got a virus which destroyed her. However, my new character I'm hoping will be even more fun than my last. I'll likely post screenshots at some point, as well as maybe a video as I did a lot of custom animation tweaking to give my character her own unique fighting style with Mayus Race Idles mod.


Random I know. but I did mention I am a rambler in my newbie post didn't I? Plus I'm excited, as I had to do a lot of tweaking in the CS to get everything just so with Mayus Mod. I've been working on it for two weeks, and I'm finally done. So Llunette Niamhara, my new character here it goes.


Yeah I'm a dork. :P

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I think you just changend my idea of playing oblivion, and for that i am thankful.

I won't copy your stile and back story but the idea of acctualy having one is very special.

I did some role playing in the past but nothing so complicated.

I think i will start on a story right now...

My nord used to be a barber...But he allways wanted to be a lumberjack... hehe


anyway good luck and have fun :D

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hehe thanks! I really get into the roleplaying aspect of roleplaying games like this. However Llunette's backstory has to be the most thought out. I tend to create a character, and work out their backstory as I go along. This time around given I haven't truly played Oblivion since early summer I had some time to think of a good backstory. In a nutshell The Nightmother saw hidden power in her, since she is destined to be the hero of Cyrodil and all, and wanted that power for herself. So, and this is getting emo... The Nightmother had her family killed when she was a child by the Dark Brotherhood, however she used slave traders as a means of which to to kill her mom and dad. This was all to condition her to hate people in general. So she was a slave for several years until low and behold Lucien rescued her, and trained her personally. She sees Lucien like a father figure, even if she could care less about the Dark Brotherhoods "religion" if you will. What she doesn't know is that Lucien was the one who originally arranged it all via the Listeners orders.


The Nightmother basically wanted to condition her properly to be the next Listener sensing her great power and her destiny. She became Lucien's Silencer before the Dark Brotherhood quest begins, but since there is a traitor, her primary objective is to come into the Cheyndinhal Sanctuary as a new recruit, since no one would recognize a Silencer of the Blackhand, and investigate this traitor. As the questline goes on, the traitor makes contact with her since he is a Speaker privy to the Secrets of the Blackhand and informs her Lucien, and the entire Blackhand have been conditioning her, and using her all along as weapon. Upon seeing the records, she decides to help the traitor, and sets up Lucien to be killed by his peers. She then makes an attempt to slay The Nightmother in an act of vengeance, which for her will be successful for Simon, not so much. During the scuffle Simon the traitor gets killed as usual, but she winds up Killing The Nightmother, and the High Elf Speaker I forget her name.


Afterward she's kind of jaded, and lost, and has to find her way. Perhaps she goes to fight in the Arena for money as she is certainly good at killing. Perhaps she winds up joining the Fighters Guild, and so forth. However by the end of it, Lucien being the deceptive male without a father that he is managed to fake his own death using a doppelganger of sorts in his place. The Lucien Companion mod will come in handy for this. As Lucien re-appears, he of course is a bit angry about her essentially destroying the Brotherhood, and tries to take away everything she holds sacred in her new life. He anonymously informs the Imperial Legion of her past, and maybe kills some of her new found allies. The two then fight it out, she kills Lucien before being arrested, and thrown into jail.


Then a few years pass, and the Blades along with the Emporer burst into her cell, and her true destiny unfolds, and in taking on the main quest she truly finds redemption for her past sins.


So yeah lol I've been thinking of a cool backstory for a while that includes my favorite questline, which is The Dark Brotherhood. So far she killed Rufio to prove to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary she's good material. Well she stabbed Rufio repeatedly in his sleep thanks to Deadly Reflex 5. :P Right now I am on the first contract kill pirate captain. This character is really cool, and I'll post pics of her assassin self soon. :)


*rambles a lot* o_O

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Very nice story. You should write some fan fiction around this if you have the time :P


just one question: you will probably use a mod to trigger the main quest after all the "advetures" of you charatcer when she will be thrown in the jail. Does a mod like that exist already or you will make it of your own?

i know there are some alterantive starts mods but they tend to skip the "tutorial" and the jail - start of the story.


looking up for those pics :D

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Very nice story. You should write some fan fiction around this if you have the time :P


just one question: you will probably use a mod to trigger the main quest after all the "advetures" of you charatcer when she will be thrown in the jail. Does a mod like that exist already or you will make it of your own?

i know there are some alterantive starts mods but they tend to skip the "tutorial" and the jail - start of the story.


looking up for those pics :D



Not my knowledge. I began this character with the quickstart mod. I'll just likely start a new game. Then I will just import her face via Wrye Bash and via console set her stats for the tutorial quest. After that I'll go back to an old save and just go Weynon Priory.


I'll add pics once I install Photoshop on my new PC to turn the bmp's into jpg's.


By the way thank you. :)

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Try this one. In case it don't work it's called Modular Oblivion Enhanced. It will give you abilities as a lich, lycan, and vampires, tweaks many little things in the game including a main quest delayer which starts you off in a boat in Anvil, so you can start the main quest whenever you wish.

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Oh A New Beginning is perfect for me! Thank you! :D


I'm going to make a new post of pics documenting Llunette's arrival in Cyrodiil, and her assassination of Rufio. Give me a moment.

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