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How to make enemies stronger and more resilient?


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I think the enemies bosses Skyrim too weak, I'd like to be able to increase their resistance enough to provide a more epic battle and hard, otherwise you have no challenge.

Especially against the principal chiefs.

I kill Alduin in 5minutes.

I have killed the Lord Vampire Harkon (8 minutes)

I killed Miraak (10 minutes)

I wish I could extend the battle against them until I feel satisfied.

How to do it?

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Increase their health = increase battle time. Increase their attacks and spell damage = increase battle difficulty. For Alduin (for example).. go to the creation kit object window, then Actors/Actor/Actor/Alduin and edit the base... should be able to edit health offset and find what spells alduin has and increase skill stats... fool around. I would recommend editing something you can have easier access to (maybe one of the dragon priests that you know the location of?).

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Yes, so the general answer is: Go into the creation kit, find the specific actor base, and mess with it until you're happy. (OR use mods like Deadly Dragons/WARZONES - Civil Unrest in combination with the "Legendary" difficulty.. you will die. LOTS.).

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there's also a single gamesetting that adds health per level to npc, so you could just up that instead of all np if you wanted. there's also a cool mod 'upgraded armour and weapons' that's good for making human types of enemies difficult.


you could also increase the few npc perks and game setting to make them more able to do damage, so battles are more intense and you spend most of your time hiding behind a shield.


@above, you need to do 50 damage to kill it.

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Whenever I die in the game and go into the loading screen, the game features a CTD. So I avoid dying, I'm using a cheat called "TGM". Therefore, the enemies do not cause any damage, to compensate for this "whole facility" I intend to at least prolong the battle against them.
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1 - How do I do this mod ( fNPCHealthLevelBonus ) ?

2 - How do I know that there are conflicts with mods and how do I undo this automatically by TES5? If I'm not mistaken, you can eliminate contents that are identical to the masters, but as I program to remove contents identical to other conflicting mods?
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you open the creation kit, find the gamesettings in the top menu; type in fNPCHealthLevelBonus; change it to whatever higher number, then, save.


basically you open the mods in tes5dit apply a filter and see where things are editing the same resources, and check if mods are changing the same scripts: but, since you have a specific error chances are you have mods that do stuff when you die, and you can see if those mods report any know conflicts with other mods you use.

modding is tricky. you might want to restart. start new adding mods 1-3 at a time and play for a while to make sure they work well.


edit: looks like skytweak added it for you toay..

Edited by jackowonderful
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