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Npc stuck in crawling animation

kare kleven

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Npcs stuck in crawling animation even I try to heal them. It seems like Unrenting Force shout and disable/enable in console do help to make npc out of the crawling animation. Anyway to fix this?


I do not use fnis, I do have all unofficial patches updated and I do not have installed mods with scripts lately.




Edited by kare kleven
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When I go into brawl (100 gold) fistfight with npc (usual a next follower) I win, but the npc never be able to stand up again, just crawling on the floor. The same with the Khajiite caravans, when some of them are being attacked by animals, they cannot stand up again either, just crawling away from the battlefield. I have a lot of mods installed, but I never touch Khajiites. I just want to know what couse this mess and if there are a cure. As I said, using Unrenting Force/ disable-enable in console and maybe yours idea - resurrec will help, but I consider this for a major bug. Some says that fast-travel also fix this. Seen this on some console forums, because they cannot use mods or change something in the game as PC gamers can do. Guys behind the unofficial patches may do a great job (job that Beth devs should actually be doing in the first place....)


So the question still stand, crawling npc are actually "killed"... how did that happens?



Edited by kare kleven
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What has happened is NPCs who are not killable have used up all their health. Generally they will reset and stand up. That they are not doing so suggests to me that there is a mod affecting them in some way. Have you run BOSS to optimize your load order? If not, that could fix the problem. If so, copy/paste the text version of your BOSS log here (enclose in spoiler tags).

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