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White mountains at night?


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FogColorMultiplierDay, FogColorMultiplierNight, FogColorCurveDay, and FogColorCurveNight under [ENVIRONMENT] for the white mountains, the settings under [VOLUMETRICFOG] for the black clouds.

Edited by myztikrice
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I tried SkyrimTuner RealVision ENB as well once, drove me mad... it just doesnt work well with CoT weathers --> see your white mountains.

I have since then switched to Project ENB which I have severly modified to my taste. But Out of the box Project ENB (Cinematic preset) does not have those very basic issues like your white mountains - and it looks better - you might wanna give that one a go (just make sure you run it with ENB 0.132 instead of the primarily suggested 0.119 or your water mods will suffer with AO, additional tweaks can be found in the mod's page posts section)

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Looks better is subjective. Project ENB's sunlight is too red and messes up outdoor scenes, and characters look flat in light. You can try RealVision which is SkyrimTuner's updated ENB. There are also other CoT compatible ENBs like E ENB.

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Agree that project ENB is not perfect, I changed so many values in the ini and fx files that I can hardly call it project ENB anymore except for the notes inside the file what does what. But right after install it still looked better than RealVision did. Perhaps some things have been modified... haven't check RealVision in a while.


Also, this is personal taste of course. eg. Project ENB 'Realistic' presets are not that good imo... or at least not that good for me

Edited by prod80
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