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Please Help! Weird sound bug!


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Ok, first of all, im not that good on english so i'll do my best ok?


I don't know why but my skyrim has a bug now that whenever i enter on a dungeon or cave, it start the natural sound of caves and dungeons but, it also start the sound of the "The Bee and Barb" tavern too!?

and when i get out of the cave/dungeon the ambient sound goes well but the sound of that tavern won't stop :dry:

actually, it never stops, even on the load screens.

but when i enter in one of the holds, the sound stops and the narutal normal sound of the hold start.


aaand i dont have a save before this bug started so... :confused:


this bug is only happening with one of my characters (sadly, the lv 53 one)


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