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Custom Race: Questions about creating a body mod or adapting one


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Ok I have found the information regarding the CK and how to set up a custom race there, I do know how I can Import, modify or create models in 3DS Max, and nifskope. I am wanting to create a race mod and create a body that's unique, by modifying a body that already exists.


My questions are as follows.


1. If I use an existing model for the body, and modify it, are there any special things I need to do with it outside of skinning, setting up custom textures and using nifskope to prepare it for skyrim? I'm assuming if I use an existing body, all the animations, and such would still apply to the skeleton and nothing new woulld need to be created. Is this true?


2. I understand I would export the body parts and textures to a new folder for the race. Are there any other files other than the model itself that need to be saved to the data folder?


My goal is to create a cat like race (yes another one :P ) adding of course, cat ears and possibly a tail (if I can figure out how to get the tail to work with animations) and I want the face to have it's own options (eyes, nose..etc.)


Lastly, is there a tutorial (I've searched and searched for this) for modding the bodies and heads of skyrim characters? That would help a lot.


I'm sure there's more I'll need to know but I think this much will get me started at least.




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