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IsAttackType question


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I'm trying to make a mod that makes combat more interesting, instead of grabbing the weapon with the biggest number on it. What I have imagined is, for a specific example, Steel Plate vs a Longsword. The steel plate will be nearly impervious to longsword damage except on criticals. The longsword will have two attack types associated with it: Stab (Forward regular and power attacks) and Slash (Everything else).


I am trying to accomplish this with perks at the moment, as i know nothing of scripting. I know how to associate values to each power attack using IsAttackType Power AttackType[Type]. This works perfect for my purposes. But is there a way to associate with directional non-power attacks?


Using arbitraty numbers, I want forward non-power attacks to deal .1% damage, and 10x critical damage.

I want backward non-power attacks to deal .2% damage, and 5x critical damage.


Basically I need a way to associate non-power attack types just like i can with power attacks.


Any suggestions?

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Do you happen to know off the top of your head the name of the movement direction condition? That could be just what i need!


EDIT: I found a GetMovementDirection, but am not sure how to specify WHICH direction

Edited by Dovahkruziik
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Do you happen to know off the top of your head the name of the movement direction condition? That could be just what i need!


EDIT: I found a GetMovementDirection, but am not sure how to specify WHICH direction


GetMovementDirection returns the following:

0 = Standing Still

1 = Forward

2 = Right

3 = Back

4 = Left

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