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Boba Fett Mandalorian armor


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When I first saw fallout 3, I initially thought, awesome, nuclear wasteland with zombies and such. I got the game and started wandering around the wasteland. I then got to thinking, well it looks nice but wouldn't it be cool to see it from the skies as well. Flight was achieved in Oblivion (I got that one), so why can't it be achieved here? but instead of some winged creature mutant thing, My mind went straight to the jet pack using, laser shooting merc himself, Boba Fett. I have little experience with actual modding, so this kind of thought would be way beyond me. I've seen some star wars requests but only with weapons and light sabers. I don't think you could pull off the missile bieng shot out of his jetpack, or his arm mounted flamethrower and such. but the armor would be nice, and the jet pack would be awesome. Just a thought.


Oh, and a darth vader outfit would be pretty sweet to. especially with the breathing!

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I honestly think everyone wants this lol. There is one in oblivion now....check tes nexus. It would work great in fallout......there is also a post for jetpacks that could help with this mod. I think the shooting the rocket from the pack would be kinda hard to do. The arm gauntlet thing may not be tho cause its basically like a wrist gun thing.......so it would add something to the arm but use the unarmed animation but you shoot flames out.......its just a suggestion. His blaster would be nice which is just a mesh and a black texture basically.......
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  • 3 months later...

I wrote a private message to LHammonds back in December of 2008 about the Boba Fett Mandalorian armor he made for Oblivion and if he was planning on converting it for Fallout 3. He said he was planning on converting the Oblivion armor to Fallout 3 but he was busy with projects and wouldn't be able to for a while. He also said that he gives permission (written in the readme) freely to whoever wants to convert the Oblivion armor to Fallout 3 armor as long as he gets the credit. So I am putting in the request for any skilled and talented modders out there to please convert the Boba Fett Mandalorian armor so we can use in in Fallout 3! Many of us would greatly appreciate it :thumbsup: !


The actual PM I wrote with LHammonds response is below.


Hello. I am messaging you in reference to the Boba Fett Mandalorian armor model you and ThreeDees have done. First of all you both have done a great job in the armor and I have been waiting for that for I would say over a year. Thanks for finally finishing it!


My main reason I am writing you this message is to see if you can (or release it for others to do it if you are too busy) convert that Mandalorian armor you did for Oblivion into one we can use in Fallout 3?! I see in your profile that you are also playing Fallout 3 Collector's Edition, so maybe you are already working on that =\... I don't know. So could you let me know if you are working on it or can convert it to be usable in Fallout 3? I would greatly appreciate... as I am sure many others in the Fallout 3 community... because #1 I am a huge fan of Boba Fett and that armor would be ideal in the Fallout 3 wasteland =). Thanks and look forward to your response.



Mwindaji Expeditions mod lead designor (Far Cry 2 competitive shooting & hunting mod)



I am glad you like it. I do plan on converting it for Fallout 3 but that may take a while since I have several other projects to do. I also have a Jango version in the works as well.


As for "releasing" for others to convert, I think the permissions are quite clear in that matter. wink.gif






Mwindaji Expeditions lead designer

Operation Flashpoint 2 Competitive Shooting & Hunting Mod

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I don't really care about flying if that is what is holding back the armor being converted by anybody. Maybe a jump could be possible that is higher than normal because of the jetpack... but flying... I think we can do without. Is there anybody out there that can convert this Boba Fett Oblivion armor to Fallout 3? I don't know how to make skins but I don't think it would be hard to convert an already made skin as it would be to create one from scratch. I could be wrong though :confused: .



Mwindaji Expeditions lead designer

Operation Flashpoint 2 Competitive Shooting & Hunting Mod

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Another important one I've been waiting months for is Stormtrooper armour, but I have never been able to get even close to getting the Oblivion mod version to work with Fallout 3, and since I can't make heads or tails of most 3D modeling programs, let alone get an Oblivion mesh to become a Fallout 3 mesh, I was considering using the T51-b as a base, replacing only the visible portions and saving it under a different name of course, but even that I don't know how to do.
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flying would be cool but everyone else is right not practical. With that note if you watched the movies and payed close attention to boba and jango fett, they never really had any sustained flight. only very large jumps.
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Ohh trust me Strayfe, if it were possible to intigrate TCL into a script, I would have done this mod AGES ago.


Its not possible, GECK doesn't allow you to use some console commands in scripts, TGM (Toggle God Mode) for example.


The closest you can get to flying is adjusting your jump height, there is a command for it, but I cannot remember it off the top of my head. But like mentioned above, the STUPID invisible floor thing appears right under you if you jump to high, and theres no way to fix it, not that I know of anyway, simply cause I don't even know WHY it does that.

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