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Distances in the Universe


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How big is the Solar Sistem? How distant is the closest star, Alpha Centauri? And, in general, how large is the Universe?


Not having anything better to do, and being slightly masochist, I tried to make a representation - in scale - of the Solar Sistem, and I have tried to reach Alpha Centauri as well. All of that is in the text file I have attached to this post.


Scroll to the bottom and have fun...


Personally, when I try to visually imagine such distances, I stop thinking about my problems... Everything seems so small in comparison ;)


... and... yes, I should get a life ;)


P.S. = Scroll SLOWLY for the best effect... it'll certainly take much less than it took me to compile it, anyway! God bless copy & paste ;)

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Using copy and paste, it doesn't take THAT much time. All I did was to make

a reproduction of the Solar System (which took me quite some time): Pluto is at 5,900,000,000 km, to make it even I copied everything from the Sun to 6,000,000,000 km, pasted it, removed all the planet names, and then it was easy... just a matter of pressing CTRL+V slightly less than 100 times. Besides, I was bored ;)

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