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Object window not dispalying in Creation Kit


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Hey, anyone got this problem. The CK worked fine yesterday, Suddenly today I cant get to the Object window.. I cant click on View, Object window.... For some reason doesn't work. I tried everything I knew. Then reinstalled it few minutes ago. Still doesn't work. :( Any ideas?


I cant tick to show it up. For some reason any other window I can tick and un-tick, With object window nothing happens.

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Perhaps your object window has some how become placed off screen?


In your SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini are a few lines that tell the Ck where and at what size to display the object window. You can try adjusting those values...

ObjectWindow X=767
ObjectWindow Y=72
ObjectWindow W=666
ObjectWindow H=417

Your values of course may be different than mine.


Something similar happened to me once when I was dual screening and had been using the CK on the non-main screen. When I went back to a single monitor parts of the CK were still on the non-existant extended desktop :P

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