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Randomly 'dying' after looting


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Nope, no dice - I'm going to reinstall and use the 'don't install anything until escaping helgen method'.

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I think I've whittled it down to a (large) handful:

Improved Dragon Shouts
SkyRealism - Encumberance (very likely) THIS!!!
AIMP - Antz in my Pantz
SkyTEST - Animal Behavior + DLC plugins
Tame the Beasts of Skyrim

When Vampires Attack
Run for Your Lives

Realistic Humanoid Run Speed (possibly) REMOVED - Replaced with Faster Vanilla Horses since it affected them too and SkyRe already affects run speed
Traps Make Noise
Real Shelter
Prides of Skyrim
Improved Fish BASIC
Immersive Bounty Hunting
Birds of Skyrim
Skyrim Project Optimisation

Just gotta keep chipping away. :smile:

EDIT: Isn't learning fun. :P

Edited by Cait833
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I use these two:



When Vampires Attack

Run for Your Lives

They won't cause the sort of behaviour you are seeing (unless you are seeing them on NPCs and not your own character), so you can eliminate them from the list.

Did you reinstall your game? How did you manage to narrow down to that list?

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I reinstalled, went through helgen, making sure to save at regular intervals, especially in front of the big hall, since that is a guaranteed spot for the issue (both install times and every re-load). Continued out and into Riverwood.


I then installed all graphical and sound mods - no issues, went up to Bleak Falls Barrow.


Added most gameplay and armour/weapon mods - petrified, went through all of the dungeon and fell at the last hurdle, literally (the chest just before the exit).


Removed the mentioned mods in the post above - no issues, open the chest just fine, loaded up the save in helgen and everything worked fine.


I know that those two won't cause anything, but i just chose some that were actively involved in the actual gameplay. I'll put them back in and the item based ones first.

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The culprit was, as I suspected, SkyRealism - Encumburance (Dawnguard version made no difference), which is strange because I had used previously, prior to the 1.9 update.


The author states that the mod is incompatible with any other that assumes the speedmult variable to be 100 at all times, so perhaps one of the werewolf mods... or something. I'll make a post about this on the mod page.


This is one of the most nonsensical bug I have ever seen or heard of the world of gaming, or at least Skyrim, because there is seemingly no cause for it, especially since it's random and yet fixed at the same time.


Then again, after 1.9 my character no longer blinks, so perhaps it's just one of those things... would be nice if Skyrim already implemented progressive encumbrance rather than having that awful thud once you hit 300kg, which, by the way, is impossible unless you have super fibers...

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