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[MOD REQUEST] less ore


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i could not fine the forum for modding?


anyway.. i know this seems odd but is there a mod that decreases the amount of ore?


i was able to get all my bronze within a small area of my base,

I got all my iron from 1 biom it had like 12 crypts...

and now i got more then all the silver from one mountain,,,


i want to be forced to explor for resources..

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i could not fine the forum for modding?


anyway.. i know this seems odd but is there a mod that decreases the amount of ore?


i was able to get all my bronze within a small area of my base,

I got all my iron from 1 biom it had like 12 crypts...

and now i got more then all the silver from one mountain,,,


i want to be forced to explor for resources..


OK, normally you see this sort of post in the steam forums, not here.


BTW, these forums aren't used much, probably because there are discord channels that are better read than this forum.


So assuming you are serious, just try a 2nd world (different seed). The game is highly random. What you are describing is possible, but not the norm. You are just as likely to not find even one copper node in your first black forest and no crypts at all in your first swamp. You were just lucky. If you want to get an idea of normal, click the Random and then the Go! button here several times:


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Yeah, think I got lucky.. there is copper and iron everywhere..


I donât wana start a new seed yet, until the new biomes get added. But for sure on my next play.


Iâm gona check out Valhiem Plus! And check out steam forums.. never

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