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SKSE says Skyrim is either too new or too old


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Version 1.06.11 of SKSE says my version of Skyrim is too new. Version 1.06.13 says that I need to update Skyrim. There is no version in between that I can find, hence it seems that there is no valid version of SKSE for the version of Skyrim I am using.



More history: SKSE (ver 1.06.11) and Skyrim (ver 1.9.29) were running fine together until... May 2nd? I think. Then a small update came down, updating TESV.exe (among others) and SKSE said "You are using a newer version of Skyrim than this version of SKSE supports". So I downloaded and copied SKSE ver 1.06.13 (I'm sure I did it properly, since I had done the same with 1.06.11 a few days prior) and now it says that I need to update Skyrim.


I've tried the following:

Check to make sure Steam is set to auto-update Skyrim - it is.

Check the file cache - no errors (well, one, but it's installscript.vdf and always seems to need fixing...)

Redownload/Double check SKSE installation to make sure I did it correctly - I did, followed instructions correctly. Correct folder, running directly from the skse_loader.exe in the folder, old .dll is deleted, etc.

Deleted TESV.exe and redownloaded it - no change.

(I can't redownload the entire game, since I'm on limited bandwidth here)

Restore from backup - I have a backup from several months ago, unfortunately it's not working and steambackup.exe simply does the same thing as checking the cache. So no luck here.

Run Skyrim with disabled mods, no SKSE - works fine, and says I'm running


I'm not sure what to do now. I have two things that could possibly be problems, and was wondering if anybody had any idea either how to fix them, or what else I could do to get this working.


1) Right-clicking on TESV.exe and going to Properties -> Details tab says that it's version 1.9.31. This is, as far as I can tell, not a version that SKSE ever supported.

2) I don't have the Dragonborn DLC - is that causing problems here somehow?

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1) Right-clicking on TESV.exe and going to Properties -> Details tab says that it's version 1.9.31.

You have answered your question right there.Unless it's a typo...Anyways i have tried to right click my own TEV.EXE and check the version and it says so as you can see your exe is not the latest version...and that is exactly the reason why it's not working.SKSE uses that exe to start the game and since it's a lower version that what SKSE 1.6.13 uses...it's giving said error.Also,dragonborn doesn't have any effect on this.

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Thanks for your reply.


It's not a typo - the exe does say 1.9.31 not 1.9.32 (even though in game it says 1.9.32). The best I can find on google is that it's some sort of console version... I'm honestly not sure at all (and SKSE seems to have completely skipped this version).


How do I go about fixing this? Steam is set to automatically update Skyrim, and I've hit "verify the integrity of the game cache" multiple times with no results. I've even deleted TESV.exe and downloaded it again, and it's the same strange version.

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