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Haven't played in a long time looking for some good mods.


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So I haven't played Skyrim in about 6 months and I am looking for some mods that will enhance the vanilla experience (not interested in complete overhauls, things that will drastically change already existing mechanics).


Things that I am looking for in order of preference.

  • Performance enhancer (running on a dual core so anything that helps out the CPU is useful, if you have any config tweaks those are appreciated as well)
  • Better Inventory
  • Better Hotkeys (preferably one that lets me bind a whole set of armour, weapon, spells to a single key)
  • More immersion (mods that takeaway HUD elements when they aren't needed)
  • Harder enemies (new enemies is fine as long as they don't feel out of place, some new bosses would be nice too)
  • More/better magic
  • More houses (preferably a mod that allows me to build my own as I don't have any of the DLC)
  • A balance of skills (I presume smithing and enchanting are still OP)
  • Anything else you think I would enjoy or is a particularly good mod


Thanks for any help you can offer.

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So I haven't played Skyrim in about 6 months and I am looking for some mods that will enhance the vanilla experience (not interested in complete overhauls, things that will drastically change already existing mechanics).


Things that I am looking for in order of preference.

  • Performance enhancer (running on a dual core so anything that helps out the CPU is useful, if you have any config tweaks those are appreciated as well)
  • Better Inventory
  • Better Hotkeys (preferably one that lets me bind a whole set of armour, weapon, spells to a single key)
  • More immersion (mods that takeaway HUD elements when they aren't needed)
  • Harder enemies (new enemies is fine as long as they don't feel out of place, some new bosses would be nice too)
  • More/better magic
  • More houses (preferably a mod that allows me to build my own as I don't have any of the DLC)
  • A balance of skills (I presume smithing and enchanting are still OP)
  • Anything else you think I would enjoy or is a particularly good mod

Thanks for any help you can offer.

you just about naming the mods lol

look for gophervids on youtube he can teach you about the latest from SkyUI /MCM it comes with a killer inventory system

look for these mods

skyUI and the MCM

more hot keys please for MCM


less intrusive HUD for MCM

race menu http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624/?

dance of death a kill move mod for MCM is good too

enhanced blood http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/60/?

Empowered Magic Better Magic or Balanced Magic i prefer the latter

for more spells Apocalypse Spell Package, Midas Magic or Phenderix Magic Evolved - 272 Spells

Edited by boononnexus
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