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Looking for best fix for Hjerim furniture.


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One would think that with all the official patches, unofficial patchse and mods out there that someone would of come up with a simple way to fix the horrible furniture in Hjerim. Not talking about the bloody mess, I got that cleaned up. I'm talking about the 2 beds on top of each other, the short wardrobe that's trying to insert itself in the bookcase in the master bedroom. The messed up dagger cases, the rope coming up through the floor behind the bed, etc. This thread from 2011 where Toutatis is talking about disabling the parentrefs looks like the best option I've found so far. That or using markfordelete. Does anyone else know of a better way to fix up this crazy bugged house without getting a mod like Niires Hjerim that totally changes the place?

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If you want, I just use this script for "buying" Hjerim:


; "buy" Hjerim script
; warning: do NOT run this before Blood On the Ice quest
; ---
; boti junk
; ---
; investigation targets
; ---
; house features
; ---
; stuff
setCellOwnership 16778
player.additem f1446 1
player.additem 21679 1
modpcms "Houses Owned" 1
; ---
; suggested price
player.removeitem 0f 20000
; ---
; housecarl:
; a2c96.enable
; ---
; if the chest is missing:
; prid 10fd82
; enable

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Sweet, looks like df48c.disable got rid of the double bed and wardrobe and I should be able to use markfordelete to get ride of the rope behind the bed. Now to work on the 3 windows in the living room that are totally black on the inside but from the outside it looks like light Is coming from the house, might be RLO, need to mess with it some more.

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You could also check out my mod for the place here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32868/?


I fixed a lot of that stuff including the rope through the floor in the main bedroom. The only problem is the windows, they would have to be remodeled to look just like the windows outside and I did search for windows like that in the game files but found nothing. I put those internal windows on either side of the front door just like they are outside though and added a simple basement. Not some giant cave with hundreds of smithy and smelters but just a simple basement. There is also a room for guests and it is HF compatible too:-)

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