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Favorite Retro Game


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Retro games that I like:


Mortal Kombat (when they were still 2d)

Killer Instinct

Mechwarrior 2

Gauntlet Legends (arcade version)



I'd say my favorite out of the bunch is Gauntlet Legends. I played that machine to death when it was first realesed, got my character to level 99. I'd say I like Dark Legacy more, but that came out after 2000. I'd love for a remake of Killer Instinct, though...



Also the Tomb Raider(s) 1,2, and 3. I just can't stop crawling back to them.

Edited by burningwreckage00
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Hidden Agenda. Reviewed it when it first appeared in 1988. Very deep title, but very easy to play. Lots of outcomes. Nothing quite like it has ever appeared. When the developer approached a publisher with the idea of doing a similar in-depth game about a fictional nation in the MidEast, he was told (or so he informed me) that "no one was interested in the MidEast"!
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GTA: London gets a mention since I only just remembered it.


what else can I add to my previous list?


Mechwarrior 2

Mortal Kombat 2

Metal gear solid.

Wonder Boy 3 (the one where you turn into a dragon at the start.)

Kula world

Medievil (can't believe I left this one off!)

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I'm not that old, so there aren't that many games I played released before 2000.


But one of my favorite games (to this day, actually) was Diablo II. I'll admit the graphics suck but it's still a great game.

Also, and I dunno why, Starfox 64 stands out for whatever reason.

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Wolfenstein 3D....

crude graphics, but still fun, especially when you have the editing program

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My all out Fovourite Retro game would be right now is


Best Gamecube game ever..


rated 9.6.




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horrible trailer, i couldn't find a decent one.

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my favorites are mostly before 2000


10. C&C Tiberium Sun 1999

9. Twisted Metal 2 1996

8. Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt 1985

7. C&C Red Alert 1996

6. lemmings 1991

5. Wing Commander2 1991

4. Top Gun Fire at Will 1996

3. C&C gold 1995

2. Goldeneye 1997

1. Chuck Yeager's Air Combat 1992


wait all of those are before 2000

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