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You know, I don't think I do have it installed..I mean when I looked in my vortex MM earlier it said it was there but it might have just been from when I did a search that the name just showed up..In any case I can't seem to download it manually and that's the only option that I'm given at Nexus. All I see is the little gear spin for a split second and then it says "mods are capped at 2 mb/s for non premium users and that's all I see after that. :/

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"Downloading" and "installing" are two different things. The "downloaded" file is usually an "archive" which needs to be unpacked, Some mods require they be "run" because they are "self-extracting archives" (with the file extension of "*.exe"), while others should be extracted into a separate folder and manually "installed" into the correct "game" folders. Not all can be correctly handled "automatically" by a "mod manager". If the mod package includes folders that begin above "Data" or include unique folders under "Data" then they are best installed manually.


That download speed cap should not be preventing you from obtaining the file. It just means it will take longer. The time of day will have an impact, as well as the distance between you and the server providing the file, and it might be that your ISP data carrier is limiting file sizes during particular time periods to prevent "clogging the pipes". Try "off business hours".



Edited by dubiousintent
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