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Freezing. Random black screens

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Well fallout 3 was being a b&@*$ so i unintalled it and re installed it then updated it to 1.7 then installed FOSE started my game using a save outside vault 101. And 2 things happen. My screen either just go'es black after its done loading the save or i can walk for like 10 secs then the game feezes. Dont know what to do. fallout 3 is my fav game ever. I was using no mods so wtf. Please help me i really want to get back into fallout 3 but these crashes really piss me off.



My setup





Yes latest.



Just after the part in the vault 101 tunnel where you select your skills and stuff before you go into the door



Windows 7 64bit



gfx GTX 650 ti lastest drivers

amd fx 4100

8gb gskill rapjaws 1600mhz.


I really dont know how bethesda could release such a buggy game. the other 2-3 times i installed fallout 3 on my other pcs it took me over 3 hours just to get it stable which is just pathetic imo

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Fallout freezing is usually the result of trying to run the game with a CPU with more than 2 cores.

Open your C drive and navigate to Documents/My Games/Fallout 3/FALLOUT.ini and open it. You will know you have the correct one if it is below the Saves folder.

Do not change the Fallout.ini that is in the same location as the Fallout.exe.

Find section "General". Look for the line "bUseThreadedAI=0" and change it to "bUseThreadedAI=1". Press enter and add this line "iNumHWThreads=2" save and exit.

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Holy cow. Nvm. I re installed fo3 again doing the same thing. this time it runs SOO SMOOTH and has only crashed once in the past 5 hours of playing and no lag spikes. wtf fallout stop trolling me D:

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