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Ranged kill cams focusing on self?


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I'm having problems with ranged kill cams, whenever one plays the camera is always focusing on my character rather than the spell/arrow/enemy. I noticed this started happening after installing a spinning arrow mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29086/?). I'm not sure if this mod is directly involved but it was the only mod between encountering these problems. Also, other users also reported having similar problems as well; however, that mod didn't contain any scripts, only an esp and bsa file. Could anyone help me get to the bottom of this?

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The only thing I can suggest is uninstall the mod and see if it fixes your problem. If that doesn't work try checking your games cache and seeing if something got accidentally deleted. And if that still doesn't fix it, then I would recommend doing a clean install, maybe you altered the Skyrim scripts on accident somewhere along the way.

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Already uninstalled the mod. Using a save file that never saved, with the mod. In fact, started a new game and the problem persists. The Mod itself has only an esp and bsa. Already tried verifying the file integrity.

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