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Anyone want to test a new ENB?


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After making two fantasy presets, I've decided to try making one a little bit more practical. Colors are still a little bit vibrant, but the overall look is much more realistic. I am looking for people to test the preset to point out troublesome areas. Also, being tested on different systems and game installs should help the preset look right for a broader audience.


Here's a quick pic I took of the preset so far -




More Pics -


http://i.imgur.com/6hgRXBU.jpg - Riverwood Sky, Sunny

http://i.imgur.com/R9uxXKw.jpg - Falkreath Forest, Sunny

http://i.imgur.com/uMifwP3.jpg - Riften Sky, Sunny

http://i.imgur.com/rkJRcYD.jpg - Riften, Foggy

http://i.imgur.com/pF1Dy71.jpg - Falkreath, Foggy

http://i.imgur.com/RvJp22K.jpg - Whiterun Sky, Sunny

http://i.imgur.com/BGRWuJG.jpg - Jorrvaskr

http://i.imgur.com/hUZ5yQK.jpg - Falkreath

http://i.imgur.com/uHuUCEI.jpg - Morthal

http://i.imgur.com/mlBo658.jpg - Anise's Cabin, Partly Cloudy

Edited by xxDCExx
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Hey DCE what happened to your other mod? I saw it went down the other day, did you take it down for some reason? Ill be happy to test this one out for you as well, that is after I finish doing yet another clean install lol.

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Hey DCE what happened to your other mod? I saw it went down the other day, did you take it down for some reason? Ill be happy to test this one out for you as well, that is after I finish doing yet another clean install lol.

I took the first upload down so I could remake it, heres the new link - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35650


I think that ones tweaked enough so I started work on this one for a more realistic feel, without being completely bland. If you'd like I could just send you various pictures and just get feedback from those so you don't have to mess with a clean install lol.


Or I could send you the file tonight if you're OK with a clean install, not at home atm so I can't send it right not :(

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Cool Ill re-link your new page to mine, and I could just give you feedback on your photos if you think that'll do. I really liked that first one it reminds me of the one I use most often, Project ENB realistic setting. Its still pretty colorful but not overly so. Anyway look forward to seeing some more screens, your on a roll two ENB's in a week or so? I need to hop on my mod projects! :P

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Lol I've only just started this one, alpha still I'd say. Also thats good, exactly what I'm going for, pretty colors without being overdone.


I'll get tweaking and have some more screens up in an hour. Would you like me to post them here or PM them to you?


Let me know if you want anyone to test your upcoming mods as I'll be glad to :smile:

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